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Ramy Ashour's Dunlop Biomimetic MAX!! Review?

Published: 09 Jan 2012 - 17:59 by asad_398

Updated: 23 May 2013 - 04:04

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 Hi Everyone,

The racket im interested in is Dunlop Biomimetic Max. Iv been trying to find helpful reviews but unfortunately this isnt a very popular model. I would like to know your experience with the racket. Im using Dunlop Aerogel Tour (Lee Beachill signature) at the moment and i feel Max would enable me to put extra power in my backhand/overall drives which i lack with Tour. 

Max is Head Light which is good for me as im already playing with head EXTRA light (Aerogel Tour). It would be really helpful if you could tell about the AIR DRAG and REACTION TIME of this racket. As in, how good is it in the air? And please also comment on the control/touch abilities of the racket which is used by Ramy Ashour.

Above picture makes me think Control on this one is not good. What are your thoughts?



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From vanleeuwen - 23 May 2013 - 04:04

 the fact that rammy uses a prince airstick and just gets it spray painted to look like a dunlop max is enough to make me stay away from it.   Never the less it may be a good racquet.

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From sloejp - 23 Jan 2012 - 23:08

check this out*

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....... went to the squash lesson with the printout from and gave it to my "not-virtual" coach. He said 'Well, fantastic progress,.....

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