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head cyano2 and anion2 review

Published: 18 Apr 2012 - 18:04 by sloejp

Updated: 22 Apr 2013 - 03:05

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I've been play testing the head cyano2 and anion2 for the past few days, so let me offer a simple review in case anyone is considering purchasing either.

Both frames play stiff but not uncomfortable on the wrist or elbow. I didn't feel any vibration through the frame. Both have a thick beam and feel a little slow at first because they are less aerodynamic than other models.

The cyano2 is light at 115g and has a head-heavy balance, so I found that you really need to control the racket to the ball or the frame will twist in your hand and you won't get the best result. the racket is very powerful. Control was also better than I expected for drops, hitting rails and hitting nicks, but I think that was because the racket was strung with supernick xl micro. This seems to suit the frame well.

The anion2 is a head-light 135g frame. Immediately, you can feel the extra weight from the frame coming through the ball for a much more stable hit, and this makes it a little more forgiving. The anion2 felt much easier to swing because of the head-light balance. There's slightly less power on offer when compared to the cyano2, but only slightly. The anion2 still had the factory string, which was too soft and too loose. I would expect that an upgrade to supernick would produce the nice pop and good control that I felt from the cyano2.

I would recommend the cyano2 to an intermediate/advanced player with a true swing who likes light frames and thick beams. The anion2 felt more like a frame that anyone from beginner to advanced could enjoy, provided you've got the right string set up.





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From Johnbonn - 22 Apr 2013 - 03:05

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