Rattling sound Wilson Hyper Team 700 squash racque
Published: 28 Aug 2012 - 22:56 by patricktiew
Updated: 31 Aug 2012 - 17:51
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Hi. I have a new Wilson Hyper Team 700 squash racquet. But the racquet have a problem. Whenever i shaking the racquet, it will have rattling sound. anyone know how to settle this problem?

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From raystrach - 31 Aug 2012 - 17:51
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hi patrick
this problem occurs occasionally with rackets. usually a small piece of something gets caught inside the hollow frame.
it does not usually have anything to do with the quality of the rackets, but it can be annoying and sometimes disconcerting.
it is usually very hard to stop this from happening, because even if you manage to stop it from rattling for a while, sooner or later it gets dislodged and starts rattling again.
try taking it back to the place of purchase and see if they will replace it
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