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Published: 27 Jan 2013 - 15:18 by vctrku

Updated: 01 Feb 2013 - 01:48

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Hi, I am quite confused about the ruling of the "first service".  I have heard from people before that during your "first service", you have the choice of serving from either side of the court, then after that if you win the point, you serve on the other side.  The problem I have is that I am now wondering if that is true, because I have been watching a lot of professional squash, and everyone takes their "first serve" on the right side.  Do I have the choice in serving on either side, or do I have to serve on the right side?

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From vctrku - 01 Feb 2013 - 01:48

Thank you so much for your reply and clearing everything up!  Yeah, I had suspected that before, but I just got confused when I saw people playing against Amr Shabana and they still served from the right side.  I understand now!

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From mike - 28 Jan 2013 - 15:54

You have the choice. People almost always choose to serve onto their opponents backhand, so if the pros you've been watching are right handed that's why you'll see them serve from the right on handout.

Remember your opponents backhand may not be their weaker side. Some club players have a very good backhand volley drop.

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