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Problem improving

Published: 29 Jan 2013 - 08:31 by bhmssquash

Updated: 31 Jan 2013 - 09:41

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 Hello I have been playing sqaush since I was 13 but played on and off until i was 18. I am now 23 but have not really improved over the last 3 years, to the point where I feel Im getting worse. I have been part of a club since I was 18 and gradually over the years new members have arrived and eventually all of them end up getting much better than me to the point where no one wants a game with me because its too easy. I practice a lot, a couple of years ago there was a point I played 5 times a week but now its more like 3. Yet still beginners easily become better. I guess I don't do drills enough but are there many effective squash drills you can do on your own apart from hitting the ball down the side for hours on end? I sprained my wrist 2 years ago and it hasn't felt the same since (no pain but clicking noise every time it rotates) so was wondering if that was a reason for not getting any better. Any advice and anyone had the same problem? 

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From mike - 31 Jan 2013 - 09:41

 Sounds like you need coaching.

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