hit the player in the face
Published: 23 Mar 2013 - 06:48 by n2squashnb
Updated: 23 Mar 2013 - 10:59
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today I hit my opponent in the face. he was wearing impact resistant glasses and was able to carry on,, but I feel absolutely horrible.
he hit the ball back along the right side wall into the right corner and then he turned to watch me hit the ball. I was so intent on getting to the ball that I never noticed him standing there watching me dig for it.
he was very good about it, taking time to explain to me the rules on such a thing. he said that he interfered with my return as my return would have been good.
so he gave ME the point. This makes no sense to me.
I have read the rules about hitting the other player but I don't understand this concept of the hitter 'turning'.
my return was NOT perfectly straight back towards the front wall- it was decidedly more towards the center as he was standing just a bit off-center.
note to self:
1. look to see where the opponent is to make sure you don't hit him.
2. drive the ball back down straight towards the wall.
3. for me, I am never going to turn around to see if my opponent makes the shot.

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From mike - 23 Mar 2013 - 10:59
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Yeah, it's not a nice feeling to hit your opponent.
About the rules, the thinking goes like this:
Your Note to Self:
1 is Always a good idea. Especially if you're going cross court, be confident that you have room to do so
3 It's a risk/reward thing. Ideally you would always watch your opponent play their shot to know where you have to move. Eyewear might make you feel safer. Depends too on the skill & control your opponent has. Whenever I hit with a first time player I'll never look at them when they are in the back right. The shot is almost always a crazy loose cross court.
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