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stamping of the foot

Published: 13 Mar 2015 - 04:57 by 0zerrzzzsw

Updated: 18 Mar 2015 - 08:31

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 good day and Hi to all. I have just seen a game now and 1 of the players keep stamping his foot on the floor when his opponent is about to hit the ball. is this against any ruling?

Regards moe

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From raystrach - 18 Mar 2015 - 08:30

if the player is doing this to distract the opponent, it is against the rules.

even if it were not deliberate, if it were genuinely distracting the opponent, the referee could take action.

it would depend if this were in competition. the referee could provides warnings or penalties for unsportmanlike conduct.

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....One other good thing is how many different scenarios they show, nice to see the various options in practice

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