Shoes for a heavy guy where heals keep hurting
Published: 30 May 2016 - 05:18 by Djekenf
Updated: 26 Feb 2017 - 23:35
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I bought some cheap Mizuno Wave Twister 3's to help me get back into squash, which I get the pains in, and just to test a theory I've played a few matches in my running trainers which of course have lots more padding. I must say I still get little bits of pain, but the padding has certainly helped the situation.
So I've arrived at the conclusion the cheap shoes are inadequate and I need better, more comfortable shoes. But does anyone have any suggestions for well padded shoes? Budget isn't too big an issue, but would prefer to keep around £80 or below.

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From Djekenf - 31 May 2016 - 20:36
From raystrach - 30 May 2016 - 16:36
hi mattdp
good to see you are getting back into it!
being an older (read ancient) squash player who is not quite as light as i should be and whose knees are telling me to stop, having some real cushioning in the fotwear is essential.
you really need a shoe with gel inserts which dramatically reduce the shock. preferebly get them with both a front and forefoot and heel insert.
i have been using asic gel court shoes for some time now and they really make a difference. i am aware that not all shoes suit all people/feet so other brands may be better for you.
if you go to the squash shop link on the top right and select the uk shop, you should then select the footwear search category and put in asics into the blank field. you should get plenty of results to at least give you somewhere to start.
make sure you get a real court shoe, not a runner. volleyball shoes will fit the bill for squash as well.
of course once you go down this path, you will soon realise that even when a shoe still looks ok, the shock absorbtion may be shot.
for me i can tell, because my knees start to really feel it.
if my shoes are still ok, but the shock absorbtion is gone, I buy some full sorbothane inserts. here is a link to an australian supplier, but i am sure you can get them in the uk.
don't muck around with partial inserts as they are not anywhere near as effective.
if you are happy with the shoes that you are wearing at present, but just want more shock absorbtion, just put the sorbothane in instead of the standard insert.
hope this helps
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I've noticed most pros and quite a few club players seem to play on the Adidas range now. Do you know how they hold up against the asics in terms of padding/comfort etc...
Just a shame I don't have a rackets shop near me. Nearest is PDH about 1hr away :(
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