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Chennai Champion

Published: 28 Jun 2005 - 18:14 by drop-shot

Updated: 26 Sep 2008 - 09:47

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Hello there,
I am not surprised that Ritwik keeps the cup in his hands.
Playing at the court where the temperature is ca. 26-40 Celcius (95 F) for most of the european players is a nightmare... To not mention the ball condition - drop shots hits the wall at 1,25 m. At least this is what i have heard from my European squash players attending this tournament... so it was not the best tournament for Hungarian players. But if they want to improve their PSA standings they have to learn how to win the games in sauna as well.

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From rippa rit - 28 Jun 2005 - 20:46

Slavi - I guess it works both ways. When it is cold the drop shots sit like glue to the racket and feel very heavy so a quick adjustment has to be made. My advice would be to get a ball to train with that matches the bounce experienced in these tournaments with such a temperature variance. It could be a blue dot for example, which we in Australia, would give to beginners as it bounces higher. Just an idea.

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