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Galifi Banned For Two Years

Published: 26 Aug 2005 - 21:55 by drop-shot

Updated: 26 Sep 2008 - 09:47

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Ah, the dream's over then... I really thought that squash may be drug-free sport. You know, golf, tennis, badminton are these "clean-sports" ... But, this article - Latest News Squash link on the right side of your screen- just shows how naive man can be... Why the player who's in the top 50 of PSA, being on tour from 8 years (!!!!), National Nr.2 does it??? It is so stupid that i can't believe. I am speechless. And the same time I am really greatful to the World Squash Federation (WSF) and Professional Squash Association (PSA) for banning and imprnting the black ship of European squash.

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From rippa rit - 30 Aug 2005 - 07:21

Slavi - You know I have not seen many, if any, national players really "warm down" at all, but they do worry about the warm up to get themselves in the groove, and only focusing on that oncoming match. The warm down would greatly assist their preparation for the next match too.
Yes, the warm down would no doubt relax their muscles and body, and relaxation techniques would help them sleep when they are so keyed up as well.
Sports Medicine did not believe in massage 20/25 years ago as a benefit to top sportsman, but they have changed their minds over the last few years. In fact massage, in some sports, has become part of their routine. I guess it is ok for sports who pay big dollars to their top players who then can afford the luxury.
I better not say any more as I am getting carried away!!

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From drop-shot - 29 Aug 2005 - 21:50

Hey, Rita,
you mean "relaxation after games"? So, I am a fool as I believed that it is more than enough to warm-down and stretch your muscles and joints... OK, back to court, and few inhales of the magic energy :-)

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From rippa rit - 27 Aug 2005 - 07:57

Yeah Slavi - but, don't be fooled. Nothing would surprise me. Some believe this "stuff" gives relaxation after hard fought battles on court, etc.. At least massage, etc. is legal, and another way to calm down, so beats me why these other persuits, that start out as experimental, then destroy a person, as well as their reputation. Shame about that. Who ever could imagine this "stuff" could be "performance enhancing" beats me too.

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   Thanks Rita.  I just joined last week.  It is a super site.  Regards,

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