Info for Your Squashgame - It's Your Site

Published: 25 Jan 2004 - 13:06 by raystrach

Updated: 29 Apr 2004 - 18:33

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The question we most asked ourselves when we were building and designing was: What does the Squash enthusiast want in a Squash web site - What content do they want, what features are necessary and how should it all be presented?

I think we are just about to find out!

Right now there are two ways of providing feedback or submitting technical articles or stories of interest:

* Fill out the feedback form in the Contact/Feedback section of the members area
* Email us either with or without an article attached (The article must be single spaced in any font format in either text (.txt) or MS Word (.doc) format.)

Over the next few months, we will be introducing more interactive features to give the members an even greater opportunity to have their say.

* Regular forum topics upon which you can have your say and see it posted on the web site almost immediately
* On line discussions with prominent Squash identities, held in real time, on Squash coaching, playing or simply reminiscing.
* Member evaluations of Squash rackets, shoes and other gear.
* Send us your Squash photos for us to use in our articles or technical pages (acknowledgement provided)

You will have plenty opportunity to be heard on!

Email us anytime about our content (or lack of it). We want your opinion about what we have said in any of our articles or technical pages.

Finally, late in 2004 you will have the opportunity to be part of the website if you are:

* A Squash coach or part of a coaching squad
* An owner or manager a Squash club
* Organising a Squash tournament and want your results published
* The promoter of a Squash event

So please don't sit on your hands when logging in to, get on the keyboard and tell the world about the part you play in the Squash universe.

Raymond Strachan - 6 Jan 2004squash game squash extras How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...


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  Racquet up and back - helped make reactions much quicker. I could cut the balls off much earlier on the drives down the walls.  

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We hope to see you back soon when we launch our updated site.