Info for Your Squashgame

Basic Skill Development for Squash

  • There are many games that can be played successfully on a Squash Court.
  • Ball games can be helpful when organising groups, as they can be played on an outside area, and will help keep children busy while waiting for a squash court.
  • The choice of game will depend on the level of co-ordination and sporting ability.
  • It may be necessary to group the participants, as those with a higher level of ability may become bored.
  • Beginners should start with a large ball.
  • Decrease the size of the ball as the level of co-ordination improves.
  •  Ball games are a means of increasing the physical skills necessary for squash, eg agility, leg power, hand eye co-ordination, and spatial awareness.
  • Variety makes learning enjoyable.

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Equipment 8 Milk Cartons, 1 large soft Ball.

  • Sit/Stand 3m from the cartons and roll the ball to knock over a carton.
  • Take turns out of 10 strikes.
  • Roll the Ball.

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Equipment 8 Milk Cartons, 1 Elson Ball.

  •  Stand 3m from the cartons.
  • Throw the ball to knock over a carton.
  •  Take turns out of 10 strikes.
  • AS for Bowling except throw the ball.

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Pass the Ball

Equipment 1/2 Large soft balls.
  • Pass one or more balls around the inside of the circle.
  • Blow a whistle, the ball changes direction.. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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Race the Ball

Equipment 1 Large soft ball.
  • The ball passes around the inside of the circle while the person who threw the pass tries to beat the ball back to their position, running around the outside of the circle. 1 2 3 4 5 6

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Tunnell Ball

Equipment:1 Large Ball. 6/8 per Team
  • Form a line, arms length apart.
  • Legs astride.
  •  Roll the ball from the top of the line to the end.
  • The end person grabs the ball and runs to the front of the line, rolls the ball, etc..

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Tunnell Ball Over-n-Unders

Equipment:1 Large Ball. 6/8 per Team
  • Similar to Tunnel Ball and Over ‘n Under.
  • The front player turns to his/her right and passes the ball around to the player behind who passes the ball to the opposite side around to the next player behind.
  • The ball continues being passed to one side and then the other until it reaches the end of the line.
  • The last player runs with the ball to the front, the line takes a step back and the exercise is played over again.
  • This game can be played in a race situation between teams or as a group exercise to improve trunk mobility.
  • Note: Combinations of Over ‘n Under and Side to Side are always fun!

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Mini Volley

Equipment: Large Soft Ball or Volley Ball
  • Mini Volley is a form of volleyball that is specially designed for the unique characteristics of kids.
  • The skills of the game are the same as Olympic Volleyball, however the equipment and rules have been modified so that the skills are easier to perform.
  • The team consists of 2, 3, or 4 players.
  • The ball is soft and light. The net is lower.
  •  Serve by hitting the ball with the hand (you may throw the ball over the net to start the game if necessary).
  • Keep the ball off the floor.
  • Always rebound the ball.
  • The players should aim to hit the ball 3 times before passing or hitting it over the net. On the line is in.
  • The diggers (on the other side of the net) send the ball off their forearms, just above the wrists, to their team mates with a dig.
  • The player nearest the net, called the setter, puts the ball up to be spiked with a set, by cradling the ball in their fingers and moving their arms quickly up into the air.
  • Then the spiker, runs, jumps and swings at the ball reaching high as he/she can hit the ball.
  • So the best team HITS THE BALL 3 TIMES A SIDE, DIG-SET-HIT, until a mistake is made.
  • Other rules One player can only hit the ball once in a row, never twice in a row.
  • The server must stay behind the baseline until the ball is hit towards the net.
  • Each time your team regains the serve, the players move one position, called rotating, to give everyone a chance to serve and play new positions. Each team may have one or more substitutes, who may rotate in an unlimited number of times. Points scored after every serve.
  • Scoring Best of 3 or 5 games to 15 points plus you need to be 2 points ahead, or whoever wins the most points in a certain time.

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Rebound Netball

(Thands to Ron Pearton from Fit Kids Club for this game)
To start the game

  • Three players from each team must be on court players positions.
  • One player from each team in a box and one player under the goal ring.

Playing own ball

  • A player is not allowed to throw ball in the air and then catch ball.
  • Rebound ball off wall and then catch ball again without any other Player having touched the ball.
  • A player may not regather the ball after unsuccessfully shooting when the ball did not touch the goal ring.
  • A player may attempt to bat the ball under the goal ring after an unsuccessful shot at goal.

Out of Court

  • When the ball goes above the court red line on top of walls umpire awards "free pass" to non-offending team

Throw in

  • Umpire calls "play" for all throw ins.


  • A player may reach over into another area and gather the ball so long as he or she does not touch the floor or wall.

Three players in goal

Defending team infringes
Umpire awards "openalty shot" to attacking team.

Attacking team infringes
Umpire awards "free throw" from position on the court of infringement


  • Both feet must remain in goal or wing area until ball is released and caught in wing area.
  • Foot on red line is an infringement.

 By attacking team

  • "free throw" to defending team

By defending team

  •  "free throw" to attacking team from position of infringement

Disallowed goal

  • Three attacking players in goal
  • Attacking team had not qualified to shoot which means you must have passed from the front of court to back and then out again.
  •  Attacking team infringes

Court lines

  •  A player in possession must not stand on or step over a red goal/wing line or wing/wing line.

Centre Pass

  • Player stands under the goal with both feet not more than 6 inches from wall and throws to either wing position.

Umpire calls play to start game

  • Centre player for the opposition may stand 3 feet in front of player taking the throw in.


  • Umpire faces back wall or front wall which ever position enables umpire to see better.
  • Backboard is suspended from the front of the court with the ring at ten feet. The arrangement could be two dyna bolts sabove the out of court line and two key holes on the board.

Conditions of Play

  • Matches consist of 3 games to 12 points.
  • Points are scored only on the serve.
  • A twelve minute game follows with the person winning the previous three games being handicapped by his/her winning points margin.
  • Total points at the end of the 4 games will determine the winner.
  • Team score will be determined by rubbers.
  • Points will determine percentage.

 Suggested method of attaching goal ring to the Squash Court Backboard is suspended from the front of the court with the ring at 3m (10 ft.). Put two dyna bolts above the “out of court line” and two key holes on the Board.

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Rebound Volley Ball

Equipment - A net strung half-way across the squash court 8 feet from the floor.

Team composition - 4 players

Object of the game - to ground the ball in the opponent’s court or force the opponents into error. Each team is allowed 3 touches before returning the ball over the net. Players must not hit the ball twice in a row, e.g., shoulderthen hand.

To commence the game -the ball is rallied between the teams, with a minimum of 3 crosses of the net. The team which causes the ball to fault after 3 crossings of th net, passes right of lst service to the opposing team.


1.The server stands with at least 1 foot in the back right hand corner within an imaginary 1 metre square and has ONE serve which must clear the net.

2. A clenched fist or open hand may be used. An under arm serve MUST be used.

3.If the ball touches the net tape on service and bounces, or would have bounced on the opponent’s court floor a let shall be played. That is replay the service.

4.A serve may not hit any walls on the full: a fault will be called and service given to the opposing team.

5. A server must hit the ball within 5 seconds after the Referee has called play.

6. A serve made before the Referee’s call may be cancelled and then must be replayed.

7.When one team reaches “seven” (7), teams change sides.

8.If the ball is thrown and missed on service, a fault will be called and service passes to the opposing team.

9.When the team receiving the serve wins the exchange of plays or the opponent commits a fault, it wins the right to serve and its players must rotate one position clockwise.

10.The rotation order as recorded on the score sheet at the beginning of each set must remain the SAME throughout the set, on BOTH sides of the court. After the ball has been received, players may play outside that position until the end of the rally.

11.The receiving team may not return the serve on the first contact from the front of the court, unless the ball has dropped well over the net, i.e., level with the bottom of the net, or unless the ball is returned as a lob.

12.The ball cannot be blocked, spiked or forcefully returned from the front half of the court off the serve.

The game -

1. A ball driven into the net may be recovered provided that it does not touch the floor nor is contacted a fourth time.

2. The ball must not be thrown or otherwise held but must be HIT cleanly.

3. A faullt will be called if the ball is contacted with any part of the body below the waist.

4. With the exception of the feet, it is forbidden for a player to contact any part of his/her body beyond the centre line within the opponent’s court, while in play. To touch the opponent’s court with a foot or feet is allowed providing that some part of the encroaching foot or feet remains in contact with or above the centre line.

5. A player must not touch the net or interfere with an opposing player. If the netis touched a fault will be called and that team will lose the rally.

6. Ceiling, lights and light protectors are OUT.

7. The back and side walls of the opposing team’s side of the net may be used (except on service) below the string line. The play may continue after the ball has hit such walls provided it has not hit the floor. On or above the string line is OUT.

8. Fouls - Feet on walls constitutes a FOUL even between or after a rally and loss of the rally. Kicking a ball constitutes a point to the opposition. Abusive language to other players, or refere constitutes a point to the opposing team as does court or equipment abuse.

9. Substitutes - Can be made at the end of a game, not during, unless an injury occurs to a player/s. Two substitutes at a time only. Substitution players are allowed for all teams.


1. A block does not count as a contact. After blocking, a team is entitled to 3 more contacts to send the ball to the opponent’s court.

2. The first contact after the block may be made by any player, even if a player had touched the ball during the block action.

3. A fault will be called if a player blocks a ball inside his/her opponent’s space, either before or during the action, i.e., no hands across over net.

SPIKING - Mixed/Ladies Leagues -Spiking is NOT allowed and should be penalised by the Referee. Men’s Leagues - When a ball is spiked towards the back or side wall, and that ball strikes a player of the opposition team intentionally, a fault is incurred by the team whose player spiked the ball. This rule is to discourage dangerous play, whereby players could be injured by spiked balls. A Referee in making a decision in such a case, should be satisfied that such spiked ball would have hit the rear or side wall on the full, if that ball had not struck the opposing player. A ball spiked must hit only one wall before hitting the floor. Also a ball spiked to the back wall must hit the floor before passing back under the net.

SCORING Ladies/Mixed Only the serving team can win a point. If the serving team hits out or fouls, the service changes to the other side. The game is scored to 15 points, winning by at least 2 points, e.g., 17-15. The team which LOSES the previous game will begin serving the next game. The losing side, can choose which side of the court to serve from. The winner of the match must win 3 games (5 games are played). Mens Teams play on a handicap system to 15 points each game. Every rally counts, irrespective of which team serves. TERMS

1. CARRY BALL - To carry a ball, there must be more than a momentary touching of the ball. This includes pushing, cupping, palming and lifting the ball. A team guilty of CARRY BALL loses the rally.

2. HAND OUT - When the serving team incurs a ball-handling fault, it loses the right to continue to serve, and must HAND OVER the ball to the opposing team.

3. SPIKE - A striking of the gball with force, with an over-hand motion. 4. Any ball which ascemds after it is struck IS NOT a spike. MIXED TEAMS - Must have at least one woman and no more than two men on the court at all times. PROGRESSIVE POINTS LADDER 1 point for each game won. FINALS Players must have played at least 5 matches during the season to qualify for finals.

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Wave Ring Ball

Equipment Team of 3 players try to score goals (rings) at one end of a squash court. The object of the game is to score more goals (rings) - within a ten minute time period - than the opposition.


1.Ceiling is out. All walls are in.

2.Absolutely no body contact. Interfering gives away 2 free goal throws to opposition.

3.Goals may be scored only with one foot inside “square” - either side.

4.No running with ball. On receiving the ball player must stop, and then may take one pivot step.

5.On goal being scored, ball becomes “live” for next goal only after it has hit the front wall (wall opposite ring). Immediately a goal is scored ball becomes property of opposition forward who advances to the “short line” unopposed. This player then attempts to make ball “live” with his team remaining in control.

6.On goal being attempted and missed, ball becomes property of opposition but passes to player nearest the ring. Opposition then attempt to make it “live” (see point 5). From this position (i.e., no “free advance” to short line.

7.Game commences with a jump ball at the centre with Rovers.


(a) Body contact 2 throws for goal to opposition.

(b)Travelling player loses ball to nearby opposition.

(c) Out of court Player loses ball to nearby opposition. Player positions Zone B (Back) This player restricted to back area only. Opposite end of court from ring. Zone R (Rover) Player may use the whole court. Zone F (Forward) Forward only may score goals (rings) from the square only. This player restricted to front area only - (Ring side of court).

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The game originated in Melbourne in 1981. It is a team game - normally four per side although any number from three to six may successfully play. Opposing teams play a ball across a net strung halfway down a standard sized squash court 32’ x 21’ - somewhat after the style of volleyball. Some of the main rules

Because of the confining nature of the court, there are a few playing rules which should be closely observed:

Rules  -

The ball may only be hit with the face of the open hand - no fists or wrists! Side walls, ceiling and net supports are out!

The ball is “soft” inflated.

The back wall is “in” below the red line - except to the server. Because of the height difference (1 foot) between these 2 lines on each “back” wall, teams should change ends after each game.

1. Teams of 3, 4, 5, or 6 or more players hitting a ball across a net, strung half way down a squash court, net 8’ from the floor, unattached at bottom.

2. The object of the game is to “ground” the ball in opponents’ court or force opponents into error. Each team is allowed 3 “touches” before returning the ball over the net. Players must not hit the ball consecutively.

3. The ball must not be thrown or held but must be hit cleanly with the face of the open hand., Closed fist or wrist NOT ALLOWED. SERVICE

4. The server stands in back right hand corner within an imaginary 1 metre square and has one serve (a clenched fist may be used) which must clear the net and NOT TOUCH THE BACK WALL ON THE FULL. Team members take it in turns to serve, rotating one place clockwise when service is lost. If the ball touches net tape on service and bounces in opponents court, a let shall be played.

5. Ceiling, side walls and net supports are out. PLAYERS MUST NOT TOUCH NET OR NET SUPPORTS. Back wall below red line is in (except to server) no feet on walls. SCORING 6. The game is scored to 15. Only the serving team can win a point. If serving team hits out or fouls, the service changes to the other side.


7. Matches consist of 5 games to 15 points.

8. Teams consist of 6 players ... 4 only on court at any one time. Substitution may occur between games only. Team to be nominated before start of matches.

9. Player may have any part of his body over or under the net but NOT TOUCHING THE NET or interfering with an opposing player.

10. Ball must only make contact with open face or hand. Body contact elsewhere constitutes a foul (except blocking - see Rule 11).

11. BLOCKING. A player may “block” the ball by using the forearm(s) - elbow to wrist - when within 1 metre of net. In so doing blocker must not move arms in forward motion (ie., not strike at ball). Block counts as a touch.

12. BALL. To be volley ball type 8.1/4-8.1/2” diameter - soft inflated. When ball is dropped from height of 7’ onto a wooden floor it rebounds between 40” and 44”.

Scoring Games are scored to 15 points.

Only the serving side can win a point.

If the serving side hits out or fouls the opposing team takes the next serve. Matches consist of 5 games to 15 points.

The side with highest points total wins the match. 



Except for serving, players may take up any preferred court position, thus taller ones should tend towards the net - smaller ones “scout” at the back. Ensure that all your court is covered - DON’T BUNCH UP - DON’T COMPETE FOR THE BALL

2. Unless the opposing side is in disarray, use all 3 “touches” your side of the net to set the ball for your best possible offensive shot. Pass high, pass accurately, play the team.

3. SMASHING - Play offensively by returning the ball hard and downwards. To do this height is necessary.

4. BLOCKING - This is a major way of defending the smash. To block effectively, player must have both arms extended fully above net and within 1 metre of net ...the closer to the net the better to avoid spin offs to your floor or side wall.

5. BACK COURT PLAY. Below the red line is in! It is difficult to defend a fast offensive thrust which strikes your back wall - BUT IT IS POSSIBLE. Get under the ball. Expect back up from your team mates when in this position for it is difficult to give much direction to the ball which you have just “saved”.

6. Practise deception - aim for their gaps.

7. Vary the speed of your shots. The well aimed lob or drop can be just as effective as the hard thumped spike!


. Marker (a) To call and record score. (b) To call play. Referee (a) To answer appeals against Marker’s decisions. (b) To over-ride Marker at any stage. (c) Referee’s decision is final. (d) Where only one official available, he/she will assist both Marker and Referee duties. Guide: Marking and Refereeing should occur on court - opposite net. Accurate decisions are sometimes very difficult to determine ... CALL A ‘LET’.

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Thanks so much Rita! I am headed to the courts now for practice - and am taking this print out

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