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Ball Games for Hand Eye Coordination in Squash

  • These skills provide the building blocks to more specific sport and Squash skills, eg co-ordination, spatial awareness, footwork and movement, balance, etc..
  • They can be used to develop uncoordinated players from a very early age to maturity.
  • These games will be suitable for participants who have progressed through from the activities, and ball games.
  • These games provide opportunity to experience  co-ordidnation, movement, and hitting skills all at the same time.
  • Progress from one- wall games, to two/three wall games to make the transition to squash easier and more enjoyable..
  • These games can be played in an open area and will assist the development of hand eye co-ordination

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The singles game could be adapted for schools, as well as against a brick wall outside the squash court area.
 Doubles will allow 4 per court and can assist cater for large groups at a squash centre. A safe lead-up game to squash doubles.
Equipment Tennis Ball or bouncy ball/racket ball that can be hit with the hand.

The Court
  • Use a squash court - all the front wall, including the Tin, and 2 side walls.
  • As per regular squash scoring.
  • One game to 21 points; if 20 all, alternate serves till 2 points ahead.
  • Best shot, a “butt”, when the ball lands in the crack joining the floor and front wall. 
The Service
  • Side in” keeps serving till a stroke is lost, then his partner serves from the other box.
  •  When “side in” has lost 2 strokes, “side in” becomes “side out”.
  • For the start of each game “side out” occurs after the loss of only one stroke.
  • All other rules apply as for Squash Doubles

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Eden Ball

  • There are several variations to this type of game which is suitable for squash centres catering for large numbers.
  • The game may be set up in an outside court area or played at school to develop hand-eye coordination skills.
  • Suitable for Middle/Senior students
1 2 One large “bouncy” ball per group.
Teams of 5 or 6 as in diagram.
4m Hard surface - circles painted on the ground as shown in diagram.
Chalk circles or hoops are an option.
  • Waiting players 4 3 Instructions
  • Player 4 is the server, he stands in his circle and throws the ball to bounce into any circle, the ball must be caught after the first bounce by the player covering that circle.
  • The game continues until a player throws the ball outside the circle or drops the ball. ·
  • If out, the player moves to the waiting line. ·
  •  Incoming players cover circle 1 and others rotate to fill any gaps. ·
  • The aim is to progress to and stay in circle 4.
  • On the line is in. ·
  • Two steps in any direction are allowed from where the ball is caught. ·
  •  Ball must bounce above knee height.
1. Rule may be added that ball must not bounce above head height.
2. First player in waiting line may act as an umpire.
Teaching point:
When introducing the game to younger children, use chalk circles very close together.

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  • PATEKA is a South American Indian Game
  • Pateka is a cross between Volleyball and Badminton.
  • It can also be played as an exciting competitive sport under Badminton (for Singles and Doubles), or Volleyball (for 3 to 6 players per team) rule.
  • In this case a net is used.
Net (optional); Pateka Ball (looks like a large badminton shuttle with a feather). If no shuttle is available use a large ball.RULES
  •  Always serve underarm  - the ball must clear the net
  •  When serving, hold the “ball” by its neck with one hand, below your waistline.
  • Point the feathers in the flight direction and hit the base of the “ball” with the palm of your other hand.
  •  The server stands with at least one foot in the gack right hand corner within an imaginary 1 metre square and has one serve which must clear the net.
  •  When the team receiving the serve evens the exchange of play or opponent commits a fault, it wins the right to serve and its players must rotate one position clockwise.
  •  If the ball touches the net tape on service and bounces, or would have bounced on the opponent’s court floor a let shall be played.
  • If the ball is thrown and missed in service, a fault will be called and service passes to the opposing team.
  • The game is scored to 15 points, winning by at least 2 points, e.g., 17-15. Best of 5 games.
  • The team which LOSES the previous game will begin serving the next game.
  • The losing side can choose which side of the court to serve from.
Teams - Progressive Ladder 1 point for every game won.

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Table Tennis

  • To start the game rally for serve by throwing the ball over the net and alternating hitting at least 3 times.
  • The winner of the rally wins the serve. 5 Serves each.
  • When serving rest the ball freely on the flat open palm of the server’s free hand, behind the end of the table and above the level of the playing surface.
  • The Server shall then project he ball near vertically upwards so that it rises at least 16cm after leaving the palm of the free hand and then falls without touching anything before being struck.
  • As the ball is falling the server shall strike it so that it touches first his court and then, after passing over or around the net assembly, touches directly the receiver’s court.
  • Every point counts.
  • The ball must bounce once on the table before being hit.
  • First to 21 points wins.
  • If the score reaches 20 all, alternate serves till one player is 2 points ahead.
  • At the end of each game change ends. Best of 3 or 5 games.
  • As for Singles.
  • In a game of Doubles the ball shall touch successively the right half court of server and receiver.
  • Alternate hits.
  • The ball to be served into the square diagonally opposite the Server.
  • On change of serve, the Server changes places with their partner.
A Game
A game shall be won by the player or pair first scoring 21 points unless both players or pairs score 20 points, when the game shall be won by the player or pair first scoring subsequently 2 points more than the opposing player or pair.

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Circle Hits

This game is suitable for an open outside area or school yard.
Racket and Foam Ball.
  • Form a Circle.
  • The person in the middle of the circle is the Striker.
  • The outer circle players bounce the ball for the Striker to hit a Catch.
  •  When the Striker misses the ball or hits the ball out of bounds, the Thrower takes the Centre.
  • Hitter with Racket.
Teaching points
  • This drill can be used for forehand, and backhand strokes.
  • The advanced players can Volley the ball if it is fed to them on the full. Less skilful hit the ball to any member in the outer circle.
  • Skilful players hit the ball anti-clockwise.

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Goal Attack

This game can be adapted for school yard or open area.
1 Foam Ball, 2 Rackets.
Formation may depend on the number of players:
The Feeder (positioned in the centre of the front wall) can throw (bounce) the ball to land on the T area.
The Striker/s position themselves in the Service Box  on the Short Line and take turns in stepping in and striking the bouncing ball.
The Defenders (Catchers) are positioned along the front wall are ready to catch the ball as it hit by the Strikers.
Spare players
Place a couple of players along the back wall to pick up any balls that go past the Strikers (especially if the Strikers are not competent)
Teaching points:
  • Score points by the number of catches taken.
  • This drill is a controlled exercise and requires skill on the part of the Strikers.
Scoring Variations:
Limit the area on the front wall the strikers can aim to gain points, eg between the Cutline and the Tin.
As the players become more competent introduce the same concept as a Volley, in which case the Feeder will need to throw the ball on the full.
Teaching points:

1 (Feeder) gives a controlled throw.
2 (Striker) taking it in turns to hit the ball aim for a goal.
3 (Fielders) retrieve any balls not taken.
4.(Catchers/Defenders) prevent the ball from hitting the goal area, then return the ball to the Feeder ready for the next feed.
This formation can be used for:
  • Forehand & Backhand Drives (Feeder throws the ball to bounce for the Striker to hit.)
  • Underarm Volley (Feeder throws the ball on the full for the Striker to hit.) Overhead Volley ( Feeder throws the ball high in the air for the Striker to take on the volley.)
  • Rebounding off the side wall (Feeder positions themselves close to the side wall, throws the ball to firstly hit the side wall) and for:
    •  Drives - lets the ball bounce;
    • Underarm Volley - takes the ball as it comes off the side wall about a metre high;
    • Overhead Volley - takes the ball as it comes off the side wall about 2 metres high.

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Klubba Bundy

The fast, safe, Scandinavian Hockey game (Inne Bandy) now played on a squash court.
Equipment: Each Player has 1 Plastic Stick (or rolled up newspaper); Each Team has a Polythene Puck (or a light ball)
Goals 30cm x 38cm placed at both ends of a Squash Court, 30cm from the wall.
  1. Game commences with face off at centre of court, 30cm ahead of T... ‘Klubba 1, Klubba 2, Klubba 3’
  2. Game duration - 2 x 10 minute halves, or other time by mutual arrangement.
  3. Stick blades must not be raised above knees ANYTIME.
  4. Puck should be swept or pushed by stick blade (not struck) and then only when it is in contact with the floor.
  5. Two hands on the stick at all times, lower hand must be on the grip.
  6. Body, feet or stick staff must not be used to block or advance the puck.
  7. Goals can be scored through front or rear of goal cage (the GOULD goal system) from anywhere on the court.
  8. One the goal being scored, opposition has first shot from centre to team mate/s behind. Other side must all be in their own half when this occurs.
  9. Goals and goal circle are out of bounds to bodies and feet. Goals and goal base must not be touched by sticks.
  10. All walls are ‘IN’.
  11. Absolutely NO body contact or dangerous play permitted.
  12. Should puck become unplayable (e.g., be caught in corner or become stationary on the goal base) then a ‘FACE OFF’ is to occur the side.
  • Rule 3 - Raising stick blade above knee - 2 free hits at goal from centre court -unobstructed and without barracking.
  • Rule 4 - Belting at puck or striking it when it is airborne - 2 free hits at goal
  • Rule 5 -. Only one hand on stick - 1 free hit at goal.
  • Rule 6 - Kicking, punching or using body to control puck - 1 free hit at goal.
  • Rule 9 - Infringement on goal circle or apron. - 1 free hit at goal.
  • Rule 11 - Body contact/dangerous play. 2 free hits at goal. If contact accidental (minor penalty only) - 1 free hit at goal or at referees discretion.

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