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A Good Lie Down Does Wonders

Published: 27 Jan 2006 - 08:43 by raystrach

Updated: 27 Jan 2006 - 09:35

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Today I took a metaphorical lie down to reflect on the furore that has engulfed this little blog over the past couple of days. Your faithful, if slightly crazy correspondent, resisted the temptation to carry on an argument that was doomed to go round in ever decreasing circles with the inevitable result of ending up you know where.

The reflection that I speak of, was on the advice given by Rippa Rit. I bought a new ream of freshly milled paper to print out the advice rita has given me, just to make sure that I didn't miss anything. I compared this with a previously compiled list if all the things that I a capable of doing (created one morning whilst  was waiting for my soft boiled eggs to cook).

I was happy to discover that I was capable of doing all those things. I suppose I should have been happy, but I saw no cause for jubilation. It only served to strengthen my resolve to follow the path that i have previously set.

It is not the knowledge of these things than is lacking or indeed the ability to do them that is the problem. It is the ability to produce the goods when the pressure is on. In other words, my head is the problem. I knew this already, and I suspect many readers of his blog (if indeed there are many readers) will have already known this.

All this reflection caused me to remember a visualisation routine I used to do when coming through the ranks many years ago.

The 4 C's
  1. Confidence
  2. Concentration
  3. Courage
  4. Commitment
I will go into these over the coming days but it may just be worthwhile to resurrect this old technique and see what it brings (actually, it used to be the 5 c's once but i forget the fifth)

Morning and Evening Walks
A very quiet recovery day today with  the walks and a few light stretches
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From rippa rit - 27 Jan 2006 - 09:35

Poor old Ray - but he will never give in, and nothing will discourage him.
He has no patience on the squash court, but heaps off the court.
This is why we make a good team.
It is only through shaking things around a bit like "a goanna eating a T-Bone Steak" that we have got thus far with squashgame.
Do not worry, that is if you are at all concerned, Ray will get around to having Plan A, Plan B, and Plan C very soon......then he will wonder what all the fuss was about.

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great feedback there, thanks..........

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