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Squash books - the good, the bad and the ugly....

Published: 27 Jan 2006 - 19:33 by Viper

Updated: 31 Jan 2006 - 22:57

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I am collecting squash books on my travels, they are very often picked up for a few cents in charity shops. I will compile a list on here as I get them, just for interest sake, please feel free to add any comments if you know the books.

1. Squash with the champions - David Holebrook 1979

  • Actually quite an interesting read even though in it very old, lots of great players writing about their tips

Cost - $ 2.00

Rating : 7 out of 10

Comment - worth looking for


2. Better Squash Rackets - Peter Hartley 1978

  • Pitched at beginners, best read by beginners, uninspiring read.

Cost - $ .50c

Rating : 3 out of 10

Comment - 50c was too much for it !


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From rippa rit - 31 Jan 2006 - 22:57

Viper - I have just dug up what squash books I could find.  Sometimes  the ones that people rather like they do not return when you lend them, and there are two others not here, ie.
  •  Heather Mackay wrote a  good  squash book  and I particularly liked the  photographs of the strokes which were done in  a succession of frames.
  • The late Vin Napier wrote, firslty a pocket size book which players carried around in their squash bags,like a Bible.  Later on he revised it and and made a hard cover. 
  • The ones I have now are:
    • Geoff Hunt on Squash - 1974.  This is quite an interesting book and features other top squash players at the time including the strokes done in frames of Ken Hiscoe, and Geoff as well as shots of past champions, eg Jonah Barrington,Gogi Alauddin, Cam Nancarrow, Heather Mackay.
    • Squash Rackets for Coaches and Players by Cecil J. Zuber, with good stories but the theory and photos are not so good, in my view - 1977
    • Squash for Players, Coaches and Teachers, by Bruce Elliott, Nigel Champion & David Morrison - 1980 and revised 1984. These guys are University Graduates and at the time worked in conjunction with ACHPER (The Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation, WA). The book has lots of useful practical stuff, eg score sheets, round robin sheets, tournament draws, drills, fitness test battery, and stuff based on their research, and a little squash theory too.

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From raystrach - 29 Jan 2006 - 18:40

there are a few old ones out there. I might have the one written by Holebrook, given to me by a friend, picked up for a dollar or two. many of them are pretty ordinary. I will see if i can track them down.

one worth a few dollars is kim buttfield's "Let's Drill", Squash Australia was selling them at one stage but they may be out of print by now. has heaps of drills with some stretches. handy to have in your squash bag when training. at the moment we do not have as many drills as kim's book

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Thanks to all for the input - very good points were brought up

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