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Step By Step

Published: 31 Jan 2006 - 10:58 by raystrach

Updated: 01 Feb 2006 - 10:53

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We all lead busy lives these days.There is so much to do each day, so many demands on our time and so much pressure. Very few of us have the time to be going to the Squash club on a daily basis and practising our little hearts out.

Today was a non Squash Day for me but I was able to work on my Squash game  just by thinking about some Squash issues in a few quiet times. Today  was able to do a couple of things which might help.
  • Visualising my success in moving off the plateau that I find myself
    • Seeing (in my mind's eye) me playing my successful Squash game against opponents I need to defeat
    • Imagining/rediscovering the feelings and emotions that I had when I was plying my Squash to a higher level than at present
  • In my swim, working hard in the last 5/10 meters of each lap
    • Imagine it is the end of a game when you are tired
    • The opponent is trying harder than ever to either finish the game off or to prevent you from winning
    • getting used to drawing the extra 10% out when you think you are already going 100%
These are just little steps in achieving a goal, but as Mao said, "A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step"

the usual with a little mental skills practice

Today did 600 mtrs at intervals if 1min 55 sec (it was 500m at 2 min). I maintained pace quite well  I am definitely getting fitter.squash game squash extras How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...


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