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my first squash tournament

Published: 04 Apr 2006 - 07:49 by medved

Updated: 24 Sep 2008 - 12:26

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On Saturday I will play my first squash tournament. Wish me luck ;)

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From rippa rit - 10 Apr 2006 - 21:16

That was an ok result for your first tournament.
When the weather is cold it is necessary to stroke the drop shot as the ball tends to just stick to the racket.  If you  jab or poke at the ball the ball will not carry to the front wall.
Seems like you had a bit of an attack of nerves too.
Just keep working on it and you will soon adjust to the pressure of the competition.

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From medved - 09 Apr 2006 - 16:17   -   Updated: 09 Apr 2006 - 16:49

I ran onto a guy who is playing in 2nd group, but has quality to play in 1st.
But even if had passed him, i would have played vs a guy from 1st group.

It was PARS scoring till 11, on 2 set to win.
I was good in 1st set 8, it was 5:5, but I got anxious when
I saw guite no. of spectators including croatian national champion
In the end I lost 11:6, 11:6

The problem was also that it was my first match,
I couldn't play drops i am good at, mainly cause by being cold and anxious.

At least I felt the pressure. ;)

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From rippa rit - 07 Apr 2006 - 08:01

Good luck.
Give us a full report.

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From medved - 07 Apr 2006 - 07:13

There are 8 groups, i am now in 3rd
I believe i can play vs guys from 2nd with no problem,
except from those who fall out from 1st.

I each group there 8 player, 2 goes directly up/down, and 3rd plays Q
I played Q for 2nd, leadin 5:0, 8:4 in first set, lost set and match

Good thing that croatia national team is not allowed to play ;)

I hope i will not get some players from 1st group :D

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From rippa rit - 05 Apr 2006 - 21:35

Good luck with your tournament.
Please take the time to look at our resources to assist you.  Of course you cannot do everything.
We look forward to your report after the tournament.

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From Viper - 04 Apr 2006 - 07:55

What level and where ?

And yes good luck.

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