My first league game !!
Published: 23 Apr 2006 - 19:21 by djenkins
Updated: 24 Sep 2008 - 12:40
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LOL - played my first league game and got totally white washed 3-0. Everything that I had in my previous lessons went right out of the window that if i managed to return the ball first, the guy I played had only been playing 2 months but he was incredible compared to me i have had 2 weeks! I am not complaining as I loved the game and got some tips from him that kind should improve me. Speaking to him though, in every other league game he has lost - is there always such a big division in play or is it just the bottom leagues whilst people find themselves?
what i dont understand is how everything goes out of my head once we started the game.

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From rippa rit - 24 Apr 2006 - 09:58
From medved - 23 Apr 2006 - 21:16
You'll have problems at the beginning cause advice you receive
you won't be able to put in the game i.e. you opponent won't give you chance for them.
The most important at the beginning is to learn proper swing and movement technique.
Maybe some are better than you with improper technique but for them it quite difficult to move on.
Keep on trying. ;)
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djenkins - well, you have taken the step into the brave world of squash competition - good one!
Grading is always a difficult thing when new players enter a comp and the number of players will have a big bearing on how well the teams/players are arranged. There is often a gap between new players due to their previous sporting history so it will take a season to sort things out and hopefully the next season you will be more "sorted".
Meantime just keep working on your technique and fitness/movement and you will slowly climb up the ladder.
Good luck.
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