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Cut fingers!

Published: 10 Apr 2006 - 20:32 by dougm

Updated: 10 Apr 2006 - 21:23

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Does anyone else suffer from getting small cuts on their fingers from playing squash?? I think the problem is made worse by swimming afterwards then the skin drying out. I put a lovely new white overgrip on the other day and it's a bit of a mess now.

Any tips for stopping this happening would be most welcome!


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From rippa rit - 10 Apr 2006 - 21:23

Hi douglas -that is a bit unusual.  Blisters and callusus but not cuts I have had before. A few questions:
  • Is the grip rough?
  • Are you holding the grip really close to the end of the racket handle?
  • Is there a staple in the grip if it is leather?
  • If your hands and fingers are dry and cracking you need to get some sorbolene or moistureiser on them at night time to soften them up.
  • A few people do play in a golfing glove if that would be of any use to try.
Let us know how it goes.

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From dougm - 10 Apr 2006 - 21:04

Thanks. Must just be me then! It's costing me a fortune taping up my fingers before matches....

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From Viper - 10 Apr 2006 - 20:35   -   Updated: 10 Apr 2006 - 20:36

Hi Doug, welcome to the forums


Cut fingers - Never heard of this one !

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