Help me with my 6 golden rules to better squash
Published: 27 Jul 2006 - 17:41 by Viper
Updated: 24 Sep 2008 - 15:15
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From rippa rit - 10 Aug 2006 - 14:53 - Updated: 10 Aug 2006 - 14:55
From rippa rit - 28 Jul 2006 - 08:14
- For every cue/realisation there is a a process involved.
- Cues by themselves do not win matches.
Viper, is this too deep and meaningful

From Viper - 27 Jul 2006 - 21:16
Thanks, that link does help.
I guess I am trying to cement in my head a few abreviated cues that I can work on in practice, so they enventually become automatic during play.
From rippa rit - 27 Jul 2006 - 20:41
Remember with each point you mentioned, it is necessary to search for ways of training so you can gradually introduce those points into your game. For example, your point 4:
- How can I get to the T?
- What do I need to do?
- What shots do I need to play?
- How can I get to the T when I am forced behind the player?
- How can I get to the T when I am forced into the front corners?
- How can I get to the T when returning a lob serve?
Etc etc.
Hope this helps.
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How many times did you have to practice before you were happy with the result?
Did you perform better in your comp match as a result?
What did you do differently, to what you had been doing previously?
How many Golden Rules are you implementing at the same time?
If RayStrach can have a blog well so can you!
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