Tailor your game
Published: 29 Sep 2004 - 23:06 by rippa rit
Updated: 25 Feb 2008 - 18:35
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Have you ever felt there was just a couple of things that made the difference during a match? Little things can mean alot. If you are saying "I'll win next time".
There are a few things you can do that will definitely help.
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There are a few things you can do that will definitely help.
- Make some notes (use a diary) about the match, noting the things that you would like to be able to do next time you play that person.
- Take away your opponent's strengths.
- Hers's an example:
- If one of the important points were return of serve was being intercepted by my opponent on the backhand side, this is how you can practise on this one aspect.
- Get a team mate to serve lob serves, and practice:
- Returning the ball in either of the front corners.
- Lob returns to length that are tight, and high, and land in the back corner. (This return must force the opponent to the back of the court).
- A variety of returns, which will keep the opponent guessing, and discourage or delay the opponent from stepping across so early to volley.
- Refer to the Diary notes, specifically applying to this opponent, before playing that person next time; then, set an overall game plan.
- What might appear to be an ideal serve against one opponent may not work as well against another and so on.
- That is what makes the game so interesting
- Tip: By returning the ball to alternate corners of the court, it will stop the opponent dominating the centre of the court.

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From Viper - 25 Feb 2008 - 18:35
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Excellent tip that Rita.
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