another racket Q
Published: 23 Aug 2006 - 07:22 by sjlee
Updated: 23 Aug 2006 - 10:02
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Hi. First time posting from Canada here. I've been playing squash for 8 months and have caught the second drift and now I'm HOOKED! I feel that I've been improving lately and decided to upgrade my squash racket. My first one was Wilson Ti Power Squash Racquet($45CAD) and now I'm getting a used Wilson nTour (this guy bought the top of the line racket for the first time and didn't quite catch on the sport, so the racket is almost brand new). My question is....considering I bought a brand new upgraded racket, should I bother changing the strings on my old racket? I've read here that string can make HUGE difference on the performance but is it worth to try a good quality string on a lower-end racket to salvage it? If then, which strings would you recommend for my level (intermediate according to my YMCA instructor)? Thanks a lot in advance.
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From sjlee - 23 Aug 2006 - 10:02 - Updated: 23 Aug 2006 - 10:02
From raystrach - 23 Aug 2006 - 07:28
don't waste money on your cheap racket by restringing.
spend the money that you are thinking of using to restring, on a lesson with a respected coach. - you will get far more value in the long run.
spend the money that you are thinking of using to restring, on a lesson with a respected coach. - you will get far more value in the long run.
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