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Slippery Courts

Published: 12 Oct 2006 - 16:29 by Nick

Updated: 13 Oct 2006 - 09:13

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I am wondering what the usual cleaning routine is for squash courts.  I am currently playing at a local university court that doesn't get the best attention, but is generally still okay to play on.  However, the floor is incredibly slippery, and almost unplayable.  The court operaters seem to not want to mop the floor, and only sweep it infrequently.  

Can anyone suggest the normal weekly maintenance of a court?  Thanks.



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From missing_record1 - 13 Oct 2006 - 09:13

Squeeze most of the excess water out of the towel so that it is damp. If you do this the first part you started cleaning will be dry before you even finish cleaning the rest of the court. The rest will be dry in 5 minutes at most. It really doesn't take that long. You don't want puddles of water, just enough moisture to pull up the dirt. Too much water can damage the floor.

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From nickhitter - 13 Oct 2006 - 08:34

This interests me aswell as I have just changed club and the courts, while been much better lit and cleaner generally, are a little dustier than I'm used to. when you say you mop the floor with a towel, when do you do this? obviously you don't want a wet court at the start of your game and you can't do it after for the next players after you. so what's the best time to mop it yourself is what I'm asking I guess.

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From missing_record1 - 13 Oct 2006 - 01:33

Here is what we do. Get a white locker room towel, soak it with water, and then push the towel up and down the court like a mop. It takes maybe 3 or 4 minutes at most, and the towel is black when we're done. It makes a huge difference in traction.

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From rippa rit - 12 Oct 2006 - 19:52

Yep - clean the court yourself. as Slavic said, or pay higher court fees
Sweeping is one thing but also the dust that tends to surface after a bit of wind will make the court slippery and it is often like a  fine powder, so a damp cloth/mop is the way to go after sweeping.
Also players tend to jog in their court shoes/wear them around the street, etc and bring in dirt on the tread, especially when it has been raining.
Sounds like the club needs to set a few rules in place!

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From drop-shot - 12 Oct 2006 - 16:47   -   Updated: 12 Oct 2006 - 16:48

Well, it depends on the Club owners and floor condition/ material etc.
Take my advice and ask the receptionist for the mo and clean the floor yourself.
It will take no more than 10 minutes and it won't hurt you. What it does? It makes the court playable, you won't get injured and maybe receptionist will take some actions to talk to the owners about a court cleaning services :-)

I am not joking, I would do that.


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   Thanks Rita.  I just joined last week.  It is a super site.  Regards,

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