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Need an ON/OFF switch?

Published: 24 Apr 2007 - 07:45 by rippa rit

Updated: 26 Apr 2007 - 20:13

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I was reading with interest the interview with Ramy, and in particular the remarks of Anthony Hill.  When Ramy talks about how he copes with the pressure from all directions, etc I had this vision of him having an ON/OFF switch.
For those Aussies who remember Anthony, I am sure they too will smile when reading his advice to Ramy "I went one way, and I am saying to you to go the other way - as enemies last forever". 
It is ironic that Anthony suggested Ramy see a Sports Psychologist.  Any Sports Psych following Anthony would have had nightmares.  Anthony was, and probably still is,  a very talented player.  Maturity and experience is a wonderful thing, and it is great that the wisdom is being passed on to junior players.
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From rippa rit - 26 Apr 2007 - 20:13

Mike - I think Ramy is fairly special as a player with flair, fitness, skill and youth.
It seems that the players who have been punishing themselves for some years find it hard to keep up the constant pressure and heavy itinerary.
It is a lot of work on the feet, knees, back, elbows and shoulders, ankles and never mind about the "head".!!
Also any pre-existing injury is always likely to flair up with overuse. You have to be tip top with this level of competition and cannot afford to let up for one second.

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From mike - 24 Apr 2007 - 14:18

Interesting that the article said a lot of Egyptians were keen for Ramy to be World #1 ASAP, considering they already have one of their countrymen in that spot now.

In a way Ramy has "won the first two games" (so to speak) and might well feel the pressure to maintain his great start.

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