Training Camp
Published: 22 Oct 2008 - 00:35 by sullie416
Updated: 24 Oct 2008 - 00:48
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Anyone know about adult squash training camps based in the UK ?. I've searched online
but current training camps seem to cater for juniors only - it'd be ace to find a 2 or 3 day
training camp for adults which would be fairly intensive in content.

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From weiran - 24 Oct 2008 - 00:48
From sullie416 - 23 Oct 2008 - 16:30 - Updated: 23 Oct 2008 - 16:31
I've managed to make contact with Derek Thorpe who coaches at the Radlett squash club in the UK. From what I've seen the standard of coaching and the club itself would be of a very high standard.He is quite happy to run a 2/3 day intensive training camp for 4 adults.
The question is ... are there 3 others out there interested in this type of coaching.... if so I'm willing to organise the details via e-mail with those interested. Get back to me if interested.
From hamburglar - 23 Oct 2008 - 12:56 - Updated: 23 Oct 2008 - 13:19
In the US, the off-season is a good time, meaning not winter, when university facilities are open, well-known coaches are available, and pros also. this link does have one UK listing rippa rit - 23 Oct 2008 - 07:41
Liz Irving has several top class players training at her Academy in Amsterdam, including Nicol David. She does run camps from time to time though not in the UK. Here is Liz's email address
From weiran - 22 Oct 2008 - 00:43
I'd be interested in this too, especially if a former or current pro was one of the coaches there!
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sullie416: I would be interested, but of course it would depend on the price. Email me at
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