Squash Has Got Lost
Published: 02 Nov 2008 - 21:18 by raystrach
Updated: 07 Nov 2008 - 10:43
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The recent events at Squash Site, the Squash news and info site highlight how much work goes into a high profile sports website when the sport itself is not one of the high profile sports.
I seem to have been forever working on some big changes to the Squashgame.info website. (some big news on that front in a week or so) I only spend an average of perhaps two hours a day on the site with rita spending perhaps double that amount.
So that is two hours you have to find somewhere and in general, it is time i would love to be writing about my Squash experiences and experiencing my Squash experiences. Something has to give.
To report on my recent Squash is not as depressing as it was 12 months or so ago. Since moving to beautiful Hervey Bay, i have not been able to play that much Squash, but I have managed to sell a car and buy a bike which means my fitness has been gradually improving.
I find cycling a great way to get fitter as it is almost free of the perils of impact and it is great aerobically.
My main Squash problem is one that I have always had and that is a mental problem. I need a lot of hard matches to build up the mental strength required to compete really strongly against good players. Being a regional area, the quality of players is a little patchy, but we are fortunate to have some good players in the Hervey Bay area, but maybe not quite enough.
Some players are showing some promise, so hopefully there will be a group of players who make the necessary improvements to come up to the mark.
I have been coaching many of the junior players and some are showing exceptional progress. A little motivation has boosted many of the young people who enjoyed the sport but were only previously making slow progress.
In another 12 months there will be a small group capable of playing Squash at a very good level, if they keep it up.
The challenge is, finding the time to do all the things that need doing, plus all that things that I would like to do, plus all the things that rita wants me to do.

Please Note: The most recent replies are now at the top!
From rippa rit - 04 Nov 2008 - 10:24
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Well, after my experience with squashgame I think every sport needs a website that is up to date, informative, and dynamic. Technology has given us positive benefits so that all participants can be involved no matter where they live, and no matter how good they play. If the computer has to be the TV screen, well so be it, and we want to know what happens every day, not only just when the pros get on the stage. ?
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