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Changing squash clubs for NEW YEAR

Published: 06 Jan 2009 - 04:47 by rskting

Updated: 08 Jan 2009 - 07:53

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Thinking of switching clubs so that I get a chance to play new players. But this will cost me $80 more each month and I may only be able to play 2 times a week. However, I'm not getting much challenge at the old club and need someone to beat me to the ground so I'm forced to play better. Also our club has no squash pro and I'm stuck at the C level. I need a good pro and take some lessons to get to the next level.


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From paul-sf - 08 Jan 2009 - 07:53


I made a similar change this past year and it was the best thing i could have done. I wasn't getting pushed enough at the old club. it took a while to get a new group of playing partners at the new gym, but once that was in place i was able to improve a lot.

I would start by taking a few lessons at the new club, the pro will intro you to players at similar levels. Also round robins and challenge courts helped me meet people.

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From rippa rit - 06 Jan 2009 - 08:47

Change is good.  They say "if you keep doing what you do, you get what you got".  What is wrong with playing at both clubs?  If you want to improve it is not only the competition you need but the consistent training to maintain your skill level.

Have you got a training partner?  Why not belong to both clubs? 

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Excuse my sentimental mood,but that´s the way I feel it. Your work makes a sense.

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