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Buying an intermediate racket

Published: 22 Jul 2009 - 20:17 by micronerd

Updated: 23 Jul 2009 - 19:30

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I'm not massively experienced in good or bad rackets but I've been playing with an aluminium racket for over a year now and I'm ok and it's time for a new racket.  In a shop I went to, they told me Browning rackets were rejects from the quality control departments of brands like Head.  They didn't stock Browning so might be biased.  is there any truth in it as very few shop web sites stock them. 

Also as I'm an intermediate looking for a new racket with some power so a reasonable weight, but a good degree of accuracy and mid price range what would you reccomend?

Also as I'm an intermediate looking for a new racket with some power so a reasonable weight, but a good degree of accuracy and mid price range what would you reccomend?

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From sloejp - 23 Jul 2009 - 13:26

i like the tecnifibre carboflex 130 2009/10 model for good combination of power and control. dunlop pro gt is also nice. never heard of browning, so why not upgrade.

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