Olympic Decision Imminent
Published: 13 Aug 2009 - 19:29 by raystrach
Updated: 15 Aug 2009 - 08:38
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I will have to admit being pretty slack over the past few months re the Olympic bid, but in my heart i am with the bid.
If it wasn't for the bloodymindedness of the sports (and their supporters) that were ejected at the last crucial meeting, squash would have been at london in 2012. If you can recall, a number of sports were omitted from the London games, but die to a curious characteristic of the voting process, anyt sport had to gain well in excess of 50% of delegates to gain admission.
Squash was the leading sport in the race to be admitted, but still fell short by a few votes. let's hope this time the dummies (as in baby's dummy) have been left home and they get on with the job of admitting Squash as an Olympic sport.
In theory squash should be voted in as it ha severtthing going for it in term of Olympic admission.
It is widely played throughout the world
A Squash Gold Medal would be the sport's highest achievement
It is relatively easy to stage an Olympic Squash event
All parts of the sport are behind the bid.
However all that will count for nought if the behind the scenes politicking has not been successful. What many people do not understand is the "club" element of the Olympics and the Olympic "family".
Because politics is an inherent part of any Olympic process, the politicking holds at least 60% of the overall value of our bid with the other 40% being the worthiness of the bid itself.
Let's hope I am doing 2 blogs in two days celebrating the admission of Squash into the Olympics!

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From rippa rit - 15 Aug 2009 - 08:38
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Well, the Press has released the names of the sports to be included in the Olympics. A huge disappointment for squash players, especially to see Boxing and Rugby 7 which have been included. Notice I say disappointment to "squash players" as our sport is really about players and participation whereas so much of the sports that are included in the Olympics are popular from those sitting in the armchair. The more rough and rugged, contact and violence in the sport the more spectators, is the message I feel is being conveyed. Hence, the better the TV ratings. My thoughts are going wild now as our rules, for good reason, squashed our "brats" on court, the things the News really lap up..ummmm!
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