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Creating and managing a squash league

Published: 11 Oct 2009 - 20:57 by italguy10

Updated: 13 Oct 2009 - 11:07

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I have recently been given the responsibilities of creating and managing my condo's sqaush league. Can anyone provide me with some pointers on ow to set something like this up for a group of 15-20 players of varying abilities? What is the best format to use so that the players will play consistently and not get bored with it........... I have been told that the hardest thing to do is to create a format for the league that will motivate players to play and not lose interest.





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From Rhapsodie - 13 Oct 2009 - 11:07

I created and manage the League for our club of some 80 members. I have found the best format is a box of 5 or 6 players. They play each other once a month, the results collated with the top 2 promoted a box and the bottom 2 relegated.

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