Broke my Dunlop Black Max Ti - Need Something New
Published: 02 Feb 2010 - 05:19 by Matt
Updated: 02 Feb 2010 - 17:44
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Hi all,
After using the same racquet for 4 or so years (playing once a week), I broke it this week (after having just had it restrung too!). So I basically need a new racquet. Any suggestions as to what might be a good step up from my trusty Dunlop Black Max Titanium would be very much appreciated. As I've had Dunlop for quite some time and having been very pleased with it, I *think* I'd like to stick with the brand but I don't want to rule anything out if there are some strong contenders out there.
When I bought it, I seem to remember it was £50. I don't really want to spend more than £60 - £65 and would like to have something that would last me just as long.
I am a complete newbie when it comes to choosing new rackets - if I have missed anything out in this post which might help my choosing please let me know.
I have played against the same partner for 6 years and am I'm not a member of a club so I don't think I'd be able to try any rackets out before I buy.
Could anyone help and suggest a new racquet - I'm lost!!

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From rippa rit - 02 Feb 2010 - 16:00 - Updated: 02 Feb 2010 - 17:44
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In the Relevant Content tab (top left) there is a fair bit of reading for you.
Looking at the Squashgame Shop I see the Dunlop Aerogel is at about your price range.
PS - the Dunlop Aerogel Pro is on special at 60 pounds.
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