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Published: 04 Feb 2010 - 21:32 by magicrichard

Updated: 15 Feb 2010 - 12:51

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 Hi guys - I'm new here - was hunting around on the internet for info. on squash and came across you guys!

Last night I unfortunately broke my squash racquet. It was a Dunlop BlackMax Carbon 520, and I really quite liked it! I had changed the grip and am very used to it. It's this one here:

I'm just wondering if anyone can recommend a similar racquet - or shall I just buy the best I can afford from the Dunlop range (Budget of £50 max)

Any comments much appreciated.




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From dpiedra - 15 Feb 2010 - 12:51

Generally I have found that anything lighter than 130g is very high-risk of breaking. I have been playing primarily with Head Metallix and Microgel racquets for the past few years (130-150g). Any of these will break given the right condition, but I have certainly broken more 130g racquets than the heavier 145 and 150 g.

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From juanfr22 - 09 Feb 2010 - 13:22

I see some rackets that go up to 200 dollars, but I wonder, are they REALLY worth it? ...eventually they will al break, and I rather buy two rackets for 170 dollars than spend 200 on a single racket.
My comment honestly goes towards a Head racket, the Cyano 115, I was looking around the internet and saw it...liked it very much until I saw the price tag...has anyone played this racket or another racket in that price range? are there any IMPORTANT improvements over the average 80 dollar racket?

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From juan - 06 Feb 2010 - 02:37

Go for the dunlop hot melt pro or the dunlop aerogel elite. There is also the aerogel elite 4D supossed to be very similar to the previous elite version.

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From rippa rit - 05 Feb 2010 - 20:15

When you do find something just check our squashgame shop price to make sure you are not paying more than we offer....see the link on the home page if you cannot navigate the whole shop easily.

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