Squash Engineering Project HELP!!!!
Published: 05 Apr 2010 - 05:36 by NickH440
Updated: 07 May 2010 - 07:26
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Hi guys,
I am a first year engineering student. I am working on a project which involves making a device to pitch squash balls to players when they are training. The ball must be shot at the floor, and the bounce, and then be struck by the player. Please fill out this survey , we appreciate your input.

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From rippa rit - 07 May 2010 - 07:26
From Sweely - 05 May 2010 - 17:47
That's great! I just filled out the survey and I must say that I'm proud of you. There's not a lot of people that would do something like this.
/ Dave, a man that likes playing squash in Enskede Rackethall.
From NickH440 - 05 Apr 2010 - 09:33 - Updated: 05 Apr 2010 - 09:33
A separate project being developed is a squash ball warming machine. in the beginning we thought our adjective was to design something like the squash cannon, but after meeting with dr. lye, the prof. who assigned the task, and also the president of squash newfoundland and labrador and coach of the newfoundland canada games squash team, he told us the ball must somehow it the ground and bounce atleast a foot in the air vertically where it will then be struck by the player. I'm not a squash played so i don't really know if this is practical for training or not, but he seems to think this is needed.
Thanks for the input though.
From rippa rit - 05 Apr 2010 - 07:04 - Updated: 05 Apr 2010 - 07:19
This may not help you at all. However, I know of a guy (ex husband of a friend) who developed a squash ball machine, but I am sure the ball firstly hit the front wall and then rebounded on the bounce to be hit. Not sure if this is the machine Squash Cannon.
A few comments about your design, not sure of the objective, eg a bit of working machinery to do a task or a practical piece of equipment for squash. Main concern in the design is keeping the squash ball warm or it will be dead and will not bounce. Constant temperature balls might work, and certainly the mini-squash ball, which is larger and made differently, would bounce. To be a true squash ball machine I believe the ball would need to be directed towards the wall eventually, eg front wall, side wall, bounce type possibilities as well as a straight out static hitting function.
Hope this helps.
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Nick so the squash ball warming machine will then be incorporated into the machine that throw the balls out or drops them or whatever? For practice purposes I guess you could have the constant temperature ball (red or double red dot) which might bounce as high as your knee if thrown with a bit of force onto the floor.
The thing is the yellow double dot squash ball needs to be wacked constantly during play, and unless struck constantly with a bit of speed will cool off, and this is why some players go to the bathroom and run hot water on the ball to get started and to save time in the warmup. In between games I would often roll the ball under my foot briskly to keep the ball warm as there is nothing worse than starting a fresh game with a cold ball. The temperature within the court will also affect the ball, eg cold night, hot day.
Sounds like you might end up with some sort of heater in the compartment that holds the balls, maybe a container made of coils like a towel warmer/dryer has? Interesting project.
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