the harrow racket Jonathan Power Custom Spark
Published: 10 Jul 2010 - 21:04 by cl101089
Updated: 25 Mar 2013 - 11:34
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I was wondering has anybody else used this racket. Im thinking of buying it from where i found it the cheapest. the racket looks really gd and an ideal weight aswell. so i was wondering has anybody else used this racket?

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From sixstring - 25 Mar 2013 - 11:34
From Demo - 25 Mar 2013 - 11:09 - Updated: 25 Mar 2013 - 11:09
Well, 5 weeks into a new Spark, and it broke, full crack, under the bumper. Not even sure when it broke exactly, it just started vibrating badly in a rally so I checked the frame after.
Needless to say, if my second one doesn't last, I'm going to look at a different manufacturer, or go back to Black Knights. $200 a pop is an expensive proposition.
From MasZakrY - 22 Mar 2013 - 03:27
Demo, I completely agree. The Dunlop ICE, hot melt pro and muscle weaves are great dispite their age. I tried out the 4D and biomimetic and they were completely dead, no feel!
After hitting with a JP spark in a game, I can easily say it was a great racquet, with no viberation. From the price and amount of breakages I've seen however, I'm more than content to stick with my half dozen Aerogel Pro GT's strung with SNXL micro. They may be fragile as well...but I can break 3 Pro GTs for the price of one JP Spark.
From Demo - 21 Mar 2013 - 01:50 - Updated: 21 Mar 2013 - 02:00
MasZakrY, I would just point out that just because Harrow hasn't evolved their racquets over the years, doesn't mean it's a bad racquet.
drop-shot's point was that you shouldn't discount any racquets, and that people are discovering Harrow racquets because of JP, even though, truthfully, all they've done is add his name. Their racquets are no different than they were before Power came on board.
Look at Ramy playing with his Airstick, and Shabana going back to the old Dunlop. Even Gaultier doesn't play with any of the new Dunlops, 4D, Biomimetic or otherwise. Nick Matthew has his racquets done custom. I would argue that "technological evolution" in racquets is as much marketing fluff as giving them new paintjobs. It doesn't necessarily make them better. As to the strings, you're right, different strings have a huge effect! I have two Sparks, and strung one with Powernick 18, and the other with Ultranick 18. Powernicks made the racquet more head heavy, noticeably so, it was a bit jarring to realize, as both strings are 18 gauge.
From MasZakrY - 20 Mar 2013 - 04:39
I have to agree with drop-shot...the Spark is simply a Vapor frame with a 5mm lighter head balance and 5g weight cut. Changing from a Vapor frame, which you've had a run of breakages on, to the Spark isn't going to make you hit 'insane angles', its basically the same racquet. In actuallity, the Vapor has Supernick XL micro strings vs the Spark's Supernick XL. The weight savings in the strings alone would make both of these racquets play almost identically...
I think Harow has run out of ideas, their new "Donna Urquhart Custom Spark 'Wave'" is literally identical to the JP Spark with a different paint job. Maybe they'll scoop up Shabana and start getting some big names onboard.
From gyffes - 07 Mar 2013 - 08:55
I have to take umbrage with drop-shot: he has no idea what went into your or my decisionmaking vis the Spark.
I played quite happily on the Vapors for several years; a run of breakages caused me to sour on them, however, and I looked for something else in their line. The Spark, at 5gm lighter (at least), is a rockin' racquet. I could care less whose name is on it, I go for playability, and I can say this: the racquet is freaking accurate. It might be the strings, it might be Power Magic, it might be the design or Mars in retrograde, but this racquet allows me to try -- and make -- some insane angles and "just-above-tin" shots that I just wasn't hitting with the Vapor. Further, my control on lobs and serves has really really improved. I still have a Vapor to use as spare and the difference is palpable.
Yeah, I have to work harder to generate power, but with aim like this, it matters much much less.
From sixstring - 22 Feb 2011 - 14:58
Aico- to me the sweetspot is bigger on the spark than the vapor and the custom vibe, and the vibration felt very low on the spark. I was able to hit with the coach for 10 minutes or so,trying them all out, one after the other. He came to the same conclusion.
mr. drop-shot, I'm glad I could provide you with a good laugh. So, you say I bought the racquet just because it says J. Power on it? Wrong conclusion. I wasn't so hot on the custom vibe that also has his name on it, but the spark feels great to me. If JP helps them sell racquets, that's fine by me. I agree it's great to have it come with Ashaway string on it. Thanks for the input on the shoes, I prefer light and flexible, like my racquet.
Play well, and enjoy your matches this week.
From drop-shot - 20 Feb 2011 - 21:00
it is so funny to read. Truly. I am sorry to interrupt your endorsement here, although Harrow's technology did not change due to Jonathan Power joining them as celebrity. What do I mean? Spark or Vibe or Vapor are the SAME rackets as two-three seasons ago. Suddenly they changed the paintings and found JP as a great marketing endorser and voila – you buy this. So, one conclusion here – you never underestimate or disregard ANY brand or anything what life brings, you never know whether Peter Nicol won't support any brand that was pretty unknown for you.
Being more specific on Harrow rackets – if you are looking for flexible, light and powerful racket with regular head shape and if you play(ed) Wilson, Dunlop, go for it. There is one more advantage of Harrow – factory strings are Ashaway strings. Factory grips are great as well. Beware of their shoes – very stiff and heavy.
From Aico - 08 Feb 2011 - 08:06
How is the sweetspot? I tryed the Vapor and the sweetspot wasn't that big. It vibrated on offcentre hits and power drops a lot.
From sixstring - 07 Feb 2011 - 14:21
OK, so this reply is six months after the original post.....
I bought one of the Harrow JP Spark rackets, and have only played a few hours with it, but it's a great racket in my opinion. I've been playing Wilson Hyper Hammer 145s over the last 10 years or so, trying a few others by BK, and Ashaway. My coach thinks it's the best racket he's ever played. I agree.
It's really light and powerful, and I like the grip size which is similar to my old Wilsons. Very little vibration when you hit.
Good luck.
From sixstring - 07 Feb 2011 - 14:06
OK, so this reply is six months after the original post.....
I bought one of the Harrow JP Spark rackets, and have only played a few hours with it, but it's a great racket in my opinion. I've been playing Wilson Hyper Hammer 145s over the last 10 years or so, trying a few others by BK, and Ashaway. My coach thinks it's the best racket he's ever played. I agree.
It's really light and powerful, and I like the grip size which is similar to my old Wilsons. Very little vibration when you hit.
Good luck.
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Hi Demo,
Sorry to hear about your broken and very expensive loss. Same experience as mine, I think. I mentioned it to the guy I bought it from, and he said he contacted Harrow about a replacement. It took forever, and I'm not sure why. I got tired of waiting and posted on the Harrow facebook page regarding my breakage, and lack of response. They got back to me that day, and I had a replacement racket in a week or so. Pretty good service from Harrow.
Mine broke in what sounds like a similar spot after normal play. Nothing severe, just normal contact digging a ball out of the corner. If the racket was a clock face, mine broke in the 2:00 location.
I have to say that those are the best rackets I've ever played, but too rich for me. I decided to sell mine to a buddy, and I've been playing some cheaper Dunlops that I like. If money was no object, I'd use the Harrow Spark, but that's not the case.
I hope they treat you the same as they did with me, and I hope this helps.
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