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Published: 26 Oct 2006 - 18:47 by fanatic

Updated: 16 Jan 2009 - 17:08

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l have been playing with a LM140 FP for the last 9 months and love the control but  want something more all round playable .

I am interested in the new  HARROW RANGE and would appreciate any feedback  on  the  range. 







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From bosartek - 16 Jan 2009 - 17:08


The only Harrow racquet listed as head-light is the Velocity. As for the balance point, it depends on the particular model. The Mojo and Vibe have the same frame and balance point, but the Mojo is 15g heavier. This creates a head-heavy feel relative to the Vibe, but I agree it's somewhat confusing as to whether they are describing the balance point or swing weight.



The Vapor, Vibe, and Mojo are the most popular models. The Sting is good if you like a bit more power, but I find the Vapor and the Vibe to be the best compromise between power and touch. Of course, the best thing to do is demo some racquets for yourself. Try to find some players at your club with Harrow and ask if you can give their racquet a try.

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From rippa rit - 16 Jan 2009 - 08:41   -   Updated: 16 Jan 2009 - 08:47

Firstly, we do not have Harrow Rackets in Oz though I believe this will apply to all rackets.

The slightest thing can change the weight/balance of a racket, eg bumper strip, grip size/overgrip, thickness of shaft/frame, head size/shape, size of handle, weight inserted in handle/grip, vibration dampener, design of frame, materials used, laminated finish, etc and it does not take much.  Do an experiment with the scales.  I have tried this exercise, and even guessing which racket is heavier and lighter is quite a challenge.

I have probably not answered your question about Harrow - Even Balance/Head Heavy/Head Light.

New technology has definitely made the rackets lighter, and probably more durable as well.


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From rskting - 16 Jan 2009 - 01:35

question on Harrow- all of their racquets are listed as HEAD HEAVY. And the ones that are listed at HEAD LIGHT, are still 37 or 38 balance. HOW IS THAT HEAD LIGHT? anyone own any harrow? which on is actually head light? i.e. 33 balance?

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From rippa rit - 30 Nov 2008 - 10:39   -   Updated: 30 Nov 2008 - 11:09

The squashgame US shop brings up a heap of Harrow Rackets, but it looks like you have to put in the model in the search to get a result...we need to look at that feature again.

PS - This search is playing tricks on me.  I found a page of Harrow rackets when I scrolled down the Rackets in the US shop (there are about 30 odd pages of rackets). When I put in a search Harrow it showed a nil result.  There is every brand imaginable there too.  Sorry, more patience, if you want to scroll through the rackets you will find the Harrow models.

PSS - OK there are ten models listed ranging in price from $120 for a Harrow Turbo to $209 for a Harrow Fury (the racket used by Natalie Graingier a WISPA ranked player). Maybe the reason for the price could be explained by the personally endorsed model.

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From huseyin - 30 Nov 2008 - 09:32

They are very very expensive racquets,why??

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From huseyin - 30 Nov 2008 - 09:04

I want to learn about models of Harrow racquets? Do u use which model of these racquets and properties*

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From i like squash - 20 Apr 2007 - 06:10

i used to own a harrow stealth, now known as a harrow vapour (for some reason)

after snapping it, and being without the guy who got me it for 85 quid rather than 130, i couldnt afford another so i went for a dunlop ICE tour.

the stealth was an awesome racket it really was, even after the crack i prefered it to some cheaper rackets, it was just soo much btter.

However once i got the dunlop, id forgot how good it was and i was perfectly happy with the dunlop..

Now, my coach has come back down and has got me a harrow mojo... and its totally awesome.. seriosuly it just feels so much better than the dunlop one, i totally recommend it to any player who can afford one ^^

nice rackets, crap price

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From noffy48 - 19 Jan 2007 - 14:48

I currently have the harrow mojo which is very good. it plays very powerful and has excellent controll. I highly recommend it for anyone who wants more power. I am not a fan of the harrow prices though!

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