beginner squash racket.
Published: 30 Aug 2010 - 01:52 by norwichcity
Updated: 31 Aug 2010 - 08:54
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Hi everyone
I have just taken up squash and am looking to get my first squash racket, I have look at the prince 03 speedport silver the new version with rectangler holes in the top of the racket.
Does anyone have any expericences with this racket and is it ok for a beginner.
please could someone give me some ideas of other racket I should look at .
Many thanks

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From raystrach - 31 Aug 2010 - 08:38 - Updated: 31 Aug 2010 - 08:48
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hi norwichcity
i have not had personal experience nof this racket, but generally prince rackets are good. however, i am not sure if i would be spending that much on a racket for the first time.
it's an unfortunate, but undeniable fact of life that squash rackets break and whilst this wold undoubtably be a good racket, a slightly heavier, more durable racket would, in my opinion, suit you better.
after you have played a little, you could could then step up to a better racket. you are probably not going to be able to play any better with this racket over other more durable models. the links below may be a place to start. also look at relevant content links to the left
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