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Returning the serve from side wall?

Published: 09 Nov 2010 - 01:03 by adamperry0

Updated: 02 Apr 2011 - 11:39

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Hi all! Just this second joined, hope you are all well!

I have recently played my very first game of squash, and loved every second of it! I noticed that I have trouble returning the ball from a serve which has the ball going right down the wall (only about a cm away). Am I standing too close to the wall perhaps? Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

Cheers guys!

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From rippa rit - 10 Nov 2010 - 17:36

Welcome to the forum - yeah I was trying to picture this actual situation on court too.  However you have said "have trouble returning the ball from a serve". Since you have played your first game of squash it is likely the terminology will be a bit hard to understand in some of the posts and forum articles - take a look at the "Relevant Content" tab on the top lefthand side for other posts on this topic.

As a new player I would be encouraging you to go to the Squash Library (tab above) and look at the basics of Serve and Return of Serve and you will find a heap of info to help you.  After doing this, and giving the suggestions a good go, come back to us for more help or feedback..

Squash is a great game.

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From bava - 09 Nov 2010 - 23:52

 It is possible to hit a tight to side wall serve particularly from the forehand serve as you are nearly striking the ball on the centre line of court.

If the ball is tight try to hit the ball up with less power aiming higher on the front wall.  Nice open racket face and follow through to high target.  You must of course give yourself enough room to play the shot so its important to get your spacing from the side wall correct so as not to cramp the swing plane.  Plenty of info within this site.  Get searching ;o)

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From mike - 09 Nov 2010 - 10:48

 Welcome to the sport.

I'm having trouble picturing a serve that stays tight to the sidewall. A serve is necessarily a cross court shot. Do you mean a lob serve that hugs the side wall as it drops and dies in the back?

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