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Beginner - some advice on a racket please

Published: 12 Feb 2011 - 04:21 by sb12

Updated: 12 Feb 2011 - 07:44

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Hi all.  Have been out and about looking for my first racket.  Have read several guides but feel I'd be better off asking those with experience.  Think I've narrowed it down to two rackets:

  1. Wilson N Flash
  2. Browning Platinum Nano

Just after something that is good for a beginner and durable (got a feeling it may take a bit of a hammering in the early days!)

Both of the above rackets are around my max budget of £25.   Any comments much appreciated.

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From rippa rit - 12 Feb 2011 - 07:44   -   Updated: 12 Feb 2011 - 07:44

The Relevant Content tab has plenty of reading (see tab top left) to help beginners choose a racket. You are right it will not be your first or last racket as those walls are unforgiving.  Something not too rigid would be more durable and might take the knocks a bit better.

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Hi Rita and Ray, I just want to express my word of thanks.Founding your website in December totally revalued my attitude towards the game.I was playing squash about four times a MONTH.

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