Emotional fitness
Published: 29 Mar 2011 - 07:48 by rippa rit
Updated: 03 Apr 2011 - 08:34
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This topic came about following a radio program last night. I liked what I heard. It made such sense to define it this way instead of the technical reference of psychological skills, as if only referring to an athlete. No, emotional fitness refers to our ability in every day life and how the lesser amount of emotional fitness affects our ability to:
- deal with daily living
- means of handling difficult encounters
- stress management
- problem solving
and the list goes on and can be linked with our mental state at the time.
What am I suggesting? What has this got to do with squash?
We emphasise the need to be physically fit, the importance of being skillful and tech savy, yet there seems to be little emphasis on our "emotional fitness" a very important component to having a solid mind.
Winners definitely have these three ingredients, and by changing the concept in our minds to "emotional fitness" that might help our general performance, and add a new dimension to our game.

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From rippa rit - 03 Apr 2011 - 08:16 - Updated: 03 Apr 2011 - 08:26
From mike - 01 Apr 2011 - 19:42
I guess it's related to finding the right point on the arousal curve?
And dealing with pressure, or feeling relaxed. Definitely helps on the court.
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yeah Mike - I guess I take this a little further than the arousal curve, which I sort of relate to trying too hard or too little, anxiousness and fear, and more. Emotional fitness seems to mean something more than that, and in life it is more about coping, and dealing with challenges, even listening, learning, patience, tolerance, coping, etc strategies and that of course in many daily happenings as well as transferring to the sports arena..
In squash, mental rehearsal is a way to cope, and the mental fitness is more defined into squash speak terms as the ability to stay on track when, in spite of the annoyance, things like, eg opponent gets in the way, opponent mutters, keep hiitting the tin, unable to focus and control thoughts, losing the plot, etc..
Ummh! it is definitely a skill to be worked on at both levels. It seems to come easier for some people than others too. We could argue some of these skills are learned and some inhereted!
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