Nicol David (Mal) is the 2011 Cayman Is Open Champ
Published: 10 Apr 2011 - 22:08 by rippa rit
Updated: 30 Nov 2020 - 17:14
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The womens final between Nicol David (Mal) and Jenny Duncalf (Eng) took 59 mins and you could describe Nicol as a "machine" going at high revs for most of the match.
Jenny put up a good fight and took the lead in each game staying in front till about 4-5 and then gradually got worn down with the long rallies, good length, and severe volleying from Nicol. Towards the end of the first game Jenny showed frustration and was reluctant to take risks, waiting for Nicol to make an error, but that was not going to happen easily, and she went down 11:7.
In the second game Nicol used the front of the court more taking Jenny forward and with the superb forehand volley stepped up the tempo of the game. Nicol was very patient before going for her drops or nicks. Nicol does unsettle her opponent with her eagerness to get the ball and serve, sometimes before the opponent is quite set. This fit image and quick movement is intimidating when the opponent tries to catch a few extra breaths of air. Nicol is now leading 2:0 .
Jenny fought back, going to a 2:5 lead. Nicol kept long rallies going and at the least expected moment would throw in a volley drop. Jenny was tiring and I feel her forehand drive takes more energy than it should with the unnecessary wind up. Full credit to Jenny as she kept striving to stay in the match and gave it all she could managing to win 14:12.
In spite of Jenny taking that game I would like to see her hunt down the volleys more, step into more of the backhands reducing the time her opponent has to get settled.
The final game 11:4. Nicol used the volley well and that did not help Jenny and she became tired and frustrated with Nicol's machine like game.
A very good match played in the best of spirit and sportsmanship.

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