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Playing with your weaker hand?

Published: 05 Aug 2011 - 08:16 by SamBWFC

Updated: 05 Aug 2011 - 12:01

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I coach a group of adults on a weekly basis and they're all pretty much beginner level, and we always play some games toward the end of the sessions to put the drills into practice. Now, obviously I'm improving my coaching skills in this time but I want to make more effective use of my time on court with these people, so I've started to switch to my right hand when playing (I'm a lefty), to:

1) Give them more of a chance of picking up some points, and

2) I've heard that if you practice shots with your weaker hand, you get better with your stronger one.


It's pretty pointless me just playing nice easy shots up on the wall with left hand for the 'students' to return in a game, as I'm not improving myself as a player, but I'm not 100% convinced that point 2 above is true. Has anyone heard that playing with your weaker hand helps your game when you switch back to your stronger arm?

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From mike - 05 Aug 2011 - 12:01

 I've found the reverse to be true at least. Meaning that over time I get better with my off hand despite only playing with my coordinated hand in between tests. I wouldn't be surpirsed if part two were true to some degree. You may learn to balance your body with your offhand while swinging, or subconsciously improve your technique by challenging your right arm.

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