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Improve to PSA Tour with social media coaching?

Published: 14 Dec 2011 - 20:34 by @squashify

Updated: 20 Dec 2011 - 04:33

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Hi everyone,

I'm aiming for the PSA World Tour, but just played squash 6th times yet. I'm 23 years, played tennis since I was 7 and trained for 800 metres and marathon some years ago. It would be fun to improve to the world tour despite my age, fun is the main part and another fun thing is social media. Where and how should I use social media to improve as a player.

Of course I will practice, compete, take lessons and practice more... but I need feedback from you, squash lovers!

Today I made my first solo practice and filmed some sessions, uploaded on Youtube and Twitter. Can I use this forum to get feedback?


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From drop-shot - 20 Dec 2011 - 04:33   -   Updated: 20 Dec 2011 - 04:33

 Well well well, if you aren't a troll, you are joking for sure, ain't ya? So, I do not want to be a joykiller, but I took some time to look at your Youtube stuff. Needles to say, you have a long and bulky road in front of you. Court movement, ball control, swing. Everything is really really mediocre, not to say amateurish. So, keep on working, but have some humility in you. I am not saying PSA is out of your reach, but... 

And my advice is to leave social media alone, take a coach. The REAL COACH. And start to practice hard. Day-in day-out. One day per week have a break. Let's talk in 6 months. Then you are allowed to record the movies for youtube channel.

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From @squashify - 15 Dec 2011 - 21:44

Thanks for input.

I'm not new to elite sports since I have been playing tennis many years. I have also been coaching WTA players so I know what I have to deal with, elite sports is tough but I will make a try. If I don't make it, well... hopefully I had some fun! Squash is a very hard sport because it's a whole new way of thinking on court. Very challenging!

I work fulltime with marketing/sponsoring and have a quite good idea of what potential sponsors wants so I will be able to make this project for a year to start with. Atually, now I'm working with PSA and that's why I became interested in the sport.

So, I know it's hard but I rather try, take the "risk" and get the answer than spend the time on other things thats not this fun!

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From mike - 15 Dec 2011 - 07:35

squashify I don't mean to crush your dreams but I don't think that's a realistic goal. By the time most pros are 23 they'll have usually had at least 13 years of coaching, training and competition behind them. By 28 when players typically peak, they'll be at 18 years, and you at 5. I don't think there's any way to close that gap.


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From bava - 14 Dec 2011 - 20:58

 Pay for some Ecoach lessons on this site.. See info in squash gold drop down at top of screen

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