String Savers?
Published: 07 Apr 2012 - 10:07 by Diderik
Updated: 23 May 2013 - 04:17
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I have been experimenting with string savers on my squash racquet, because restringing costs put a real dent in my wallet. Unfortunately, the little things seem to fall off the first time I hit the ball. I am using the Gamma product. I read somewhere that Babolat is better.
Anyone have any experience with string savers? I realize they are designed for tennis, not squash, but tennis players hit the ball pretty hard too.

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From vanleeuwen - 23 May 2013 - 04:17
From vanleeuwen - 23 May 2013 - 04:14
what type of string and racquet do you use? How often are your strings breaking?
From vanleeuwen - 23 May 2013 - 04:08
what type of string and racquet do you use? How often are your strings breaking?
From hamburglar - 11 Apr 2012 - 23:32 - Updated: 11 Apr 2012 - 23:32
I've tried them too, thinking they would help, however they're not too useful unless you have really expensive strings. It will take about 100 of them just to cover the sweet spot, and strings often break near the frame due to off-center hits. I wouldn't want someone to break their strings on a squash court with these in, as at least 10-20 of them may pop out onto the floor. Squash strings are generally not as tough on the skin, so these plastic things may actually promote string fraying, unless you're using a tough string like the zyex powernicks.
If you break strings often, I'd recommend buying a cheap stringer. A $300 mutual power or klippermate will pay for itself in a few years and may even make you some money.
From rippa rit - 07 Apr 2012 - 18:54
Geez what can our forum say as opposed to this forum!!
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what type of string and racquet do you use? How often are your strings breaking?
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