Broken grommets
Published: 24 Feb 2012 - 19:42 by benson
Updated: 23 Oct 2012 - 21:15
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Why do all the grommets break off on my racquet (this has happened with both racquets I have owned, Wilson Hyper Hammer and subsequently Wilson K Tour)? They don't seem to break off on the racquets of people I play with. With the current restringing of the K Tour, it looks to me like the string is nearly rubbing on the frame and I am concerned it is not going to last long. In the past the grommets still offered some protection, and the srings wore normally and eventually wore out in the sweet spot area. (Also, wiith the other racquet, the stringers replaced the grommet strip in the past, but they don't seem to offer this service anymore).

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From benson - 23 Oct 2012 - 21:15
From raystrach - 26 Feb 2012 - 11:14
hi benson,
are you using the same racket type and using the same stringer as before?
if the grommets break, yes, the strings can rub on the frame and break at that point.
the answer is to use a small diameter plastic tube at that point of the restring, to act as a replacement grommet.
it is possible, although unlikely, that a different restringer, especially if they have antiquated equipment, to use different methods which may contribute to the grommets breaking
ps. also it is sometimes hard to get replacement bumper strips for some brands of racket
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Hmm, never got sent reply to this by the system.
Regardless of the stringers and racquets (of the two above) the grommets are always breaking.
However, it seems that it has not really caused any problem yet. My strings have broken twice since the particular broken grommet that looks like it is rubbing, and they always break in the same place unrelated to the grommet right in the middle of the racquet. Also I have found a number of other folks who typically have this problem so I guess it is not unusual or that harmful.
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