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Whats needed to string

Published: 16 Jun 2005 - 13:54 by mikemackenzie

Updated: 24 Sep 2008 - 10:22

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I am wondering what the tools for stringing a racket are...

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From raystrach - 19 Jun 2005 - 19:45

dear mike
as rita suggests, it is extremely difficult to string a racket without a stringing machine. there are a myriad of different machines which can be pretty basic (a simple frame which sits atop a table and has a weight tensioner) to electronic tensioners. depending on the machine (some have built in tools) you will also need

  • pair pliers
  • an awl
  • special string clamps
  • blade knife

There are also tools which measure frame size (it changes as you string).Different rackets may also require different stringing patterns.

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From rippa rit - 19 Jun 2005 - 11:39

Hi mike - Stringing is an art. A stringing machine is what every professional stringer would now use. There are a couple of types. Years ago a vice was specially set up to hold the racket, and the strings were pulled with pliers by hand - the strings held tight by inserting an awl into the holes of the frame. This method might be ok to replace a string, but a stringing machine is the only method I know that would get the correct predetermined tension on each individual string. Sporting Companies would sell the stringing gear.

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