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prince dilema

Published: 22 May 2013 - 11:26 by adikdn

Updated: 16 Jun 2013 - 12:40

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 Hi, please help me choose between prince TT sovereign or the airstick 140.

aren't they the same? Anyway, I'll buy one of them so please, your thoughts.


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From Get_Behind_It - 16 Jun 2013 - 12:37   -   Updated: 16 Jun 2013 - 12:40

 Hello adikdn,

Having played the game for about a year and having had gone through 2 rackets already, two years back I bought the Prince TT Sovereign; TT Sovereign is the racket playing with which my game drastically imrpoved & within 2 months of plarying with it I was playing the better players at my club. I don't play with it anymore, having shifted to a lighter racket, but there is so much to like about the TT:

1. I used the Tecnifibre Red or Green on the racket, TT, to my mind a stiff racket, plays superbly & powefully with them. One thing that increased power from the racket did for me was that I began working on controlling my swing and shape. And the drop shots were a total pleasure to play with the TT.

2. TT is a very durable racket, one thing that I learned quickly to be able to do with it was to have a go at every ball no matter how close to the wall it might have been.

3. Its a well balanced racket, the pick-up is not quite the Prince Rebel but still is pretty comfortable; I felt the racket was slightly head light & the one area I struggled with it were the over-head shots.

Airstick was an option available to me also, I simply disliked how it felt in my hand & went with the TT; all my apprehensions quickly went away the first time I fully played with it, its comfortable & has the potential of considerable power & brilliant feel and control if one puts in good strings. TT is one of the reasons why my game improved. 

Good Luck. 

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From ross1200 - 14 Jun 2013 - 08:55

 my brothers just bought the airstick. says its great. best racket hes had.

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   Thanks Rita.  I just joined last week.  It is a super site.  Regards,

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