Squash Rating Application
Published: 25 Jun 2013 - 15:11 by Squash.Man
Updated: 22 Jun 2015 - 17:59
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Hello Squash Players,
I am doing preliminary market research on an idea for an App that would produce a squash skill rating (US Squash system 3.0 to 6.0) by allowing players to enter match results after every match they play (whether official US Squash tournament or pick up game). After their opponent verifies the match, the App would produce a rating based on feeding the result into an algorithm (similar to how it is done by US Squash).
The benefit of this App would be an up to date and accurate rating of your squash skill level. You would also be able to see the match history and results of local area players. The App would be free to sign up for on a Basic level (only produce a rating) and cost a fee for Premium level.
Features of the Premium App would include:
- Up to Date Squash Skill Rating 3.0 to 6.0
- Match History (and ability to check the match history of other players)
- Suggested opponents in the area of similar level
- Local area rankings
I am interested in a bit of information:
How much would you be willing to pay for the Premium level Application?
How many matches do you play in a month?
Is this an App you think squash players would be interested in?
Thanks for helping out and hope to get some feedback!

Please Note: The most recent replies are now at the top!
From ronclayton - 05 Jul 2013 - 13:00
From Squash.Man - 03 Jul 2013 - 14:16
Thanks for the rely!
I would love to talk about the Auto Grade system. I am familiar with the US Squash rating system that works off an algorthm based off whether or not a player wins a match. After several result entries a rating is developed from 3.0 to 6.0 (ie. 3.15, 4.56, 5.33).
I'd love to see how other rating systems work. Let me know if you could talk, thanks again for reaching out.
From Squash.Man - 02 Jul 2013 - 15:06
Thanks for the rely!
I would love to talk about the Auto Grade system. I am familiar with the US Squash rating system that works off an algorthm based off whether or not a player wins a match. After several result entries a rating is developed from 3.0 to 6.0 (ie. 3.15, 4.56, 5.33).
I'd love to see how other rating systems work. Let me know if you could talk, thanks again for reaching out.
From rippa rit - 01 Jul 2013 - 16:31
Hi squashman - Raystrach is snowed under with work so I have made a few enquiries regarding a program that was developed by a guy in W.A. The Masters Squash have used the program Auto Draw (tournaments, pennant, teams) since 2003 and speak highly of its capabilities.
There is a seond program Auto Grade (individual grading and ranking system).
I have the email for the person who developed these programs and if he wishes he can contact you through squashgame.
From rippa rit - 30 Jun 2013 - 12:19
Hi squashman - well i am hearirng you. I have some questions, namely
a. you seem to be talking about a ranking system. There are ranking systems mostly focussing on tournament results, say a national ranking scheme for masters players, and incorporating age groups as well.
b. you refer to a skills ranking system then go on to talk about playing results.
I will get Raystrach to look at your post and give a reply also.
If you want to produce rankings you have to record stats, etc
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Hi Squashman - Your project sounds interesting. There is an iphone application called Court Buddy that can be used to record scores of squash matches that I have seen in use. Your idea would take this one step further by adding a ranking/grading system. The AutoGrade system is used by the Australian Masters Squash to provide a common measure of ability for players from the different Australian states. Players are graded in levels from 1.00 to 16.00, where players within 1.00 have a high probability of having a close match (ie. going to 4 or 5 games). I can email you more details. You can contact me by emailing ronclayton@westnet.com.au. Regards Ron
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