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Conduct Warning

Published: 19 Nov 2013 - 18:40 by deimospg

Updated: 22 Nov 2013 - 16:19

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Please clarify this rule:

Player A gets a conduct warning for turning and hitting the ball.

Same game, after a ralley, Player A looses a conduct point for extra hitting of the ball into the tin,

Next Player A looses a point for asking the Ref to explain a Let call and will call the match if there is any other disruptions from Player A.

My question: once there is a conduct warning, can the Ref link any other misconduct to a stroke then game; or must they give a conduct warning if it is a new problem?

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From rippa rit - 22 Nov 2013 - 16:19

Here is the link to the WSF Singles Rules.  Probably the ruling is more listed under Dangerous Play, check out the Conduct Warning rule and sometimes there are local rules in place; the Ref was pretty confident to take the stand he/she did; and I hope they know the rules in the link. Local rules might work when you only play in one centre/district but not a good thing if you are a traveller.

Hope this resource is helpful

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be sure that now and then i may contact you and Ray as you are my digital mental gurus of squash

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