Dilmun Club Bahrain Squash Club - Night and League
Published: 28 Mar 2015 - 18:30 by BennyC
Updated: 06 Apr 2015 - 17:36
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Hello all.
Just a brief note to say that if anyone is interested in playing squash in Bahrain, we are running a squash club at the Dilmun Club. Currently we have a squash night every Monday between 7-9 for people to drop in and play but we also have squash boxes running in paralllel. We have 5 boxes/leagues of varying levels and people play there matches in there own time.
There are also have monthly and yearly handicapped competitions.
Finally we are actively looking for a coach to teach all levels.
Members and non-members welcome.
Any questions, please let me know on ben.cogswell@outlook.com

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From diipaks - 06 Apr 2015 - 17:35 - Updated: 06 Apr 2015 - 17:36
From diipaks - 06 Apr 2015 - 17:24
Would like to know any squash open torunaments happening in bahrain ?
I am very much interested , please let me know.
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How can I register for the squash League ?
Please call me on 66366746.
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