Grip help!
Published: 09 Apr 2015 - 19:17 by Azischke89
Updated: 14 Apr 2015 - 09:37
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I'm having a little trouble with my grip. I've noticed my thumb placement is slightly different to most pros/instructional videos. However, I can't see any downside to the change I've made. Can someone enlighten me? Can anyone point out a mechanical disadvantage my modified thumb position is creating?
Traditional Grip:
My Grip:
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Traditional Grip:
My Grip:

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From raystrach - 14 Apr 2015 - 09:37
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hi Azischke89
like all technique "rules" for sport, they are made to be broken.
sometimes people simply perform better when they use variations on "standard" technique.
until we can actually see you play, we cannot evaluate what effect this change might have.
it is a relatively small variation and it may well have no effect.
even if it does have a negative effect, who is to say if it is greater for you, than the negative effect of playing with the classic technique.
the game is littered with champions who use variations of classic technique.
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